2- Forgiveness

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"Ron get up it's time to leave, I swear if I have to drag you downstairs I will throw you down them." Hermione yelled at Ron while everyone was eating.

"Bloody hell Hermione I'm getting up let me put some clothes on sheesh." I could hear Ron say.

Hermione came stomping downstairs with Ron on her tail.

"Morning mum." Ron kissed his mum on the cheek before sneaking the bacon off her plate.

"Ronald give that back." Molly laughed like a child.

"Sorry mum." Ron swallowed.

"All gone." He have an innocent look before running from his mothers fumes.

"Come on Harry lets go before we're late."
Hermione pulled me from my seat.

It didn't take long to get to the train station.

"Alright everyone don't forget to write to us and please Harry stay out of trouble this year." Arthur chuckled at his wife's comment.

"Yes ma'am." I held back a laugh.

We hugged them before boarding the train to find an empty compartment.

Ginny ran off to find her friends when we finally found a compartment that was not occupied.

We put some of our things in the over head basket and took our seats.

A few minutes went by and someone opened our compartment door.
That some one was Draco Malfoy.

"Sorry I was looking for an empty compartment there all full." He spoke softly.

"You can stay in this compartment with us there's plenty of room." Hermione moves some of her books for him to sit down.

"Really thank you." Draco said sitting down.

Ron and I didn't protest there was nothing to protest.  Ron just glared at him not so discreetly.

For the rest of the ride I read a book Hermione leant me.

"It's time to get off Ron wake up and get dressed in your robe." Hermione shook Ron and then walked out so we could change.

Everyone started to unload the packed train and head for the carriages.

I notice Draco had not gotten up to get off.

"You guys go ahead I'm right behind you." I told Ron and Hermione and they just nodded.

"Malfoy are you coming." I asked him.

"I'm waiting for everyone to get off they hate me remember." He focused on his shoes.

"I'll wait with you then." I don't know why it may have been because of what Molly said but I felt bad for Draco not only bad but I felt his pain.

After everyone exited the train, me and Draco walked off trying to find a carriage.

"I'm sorry." Draco said quickly.

"What?" I asked thinking I miss heard him.

"I'm sorry Okay." He said a little louder and slower.

"Malfoy.." I didn't know what to say I didn't expect to hear that.

"I just wanted to tell that I was sorry for everything I did and the things m-my father did." His voice faded out.

"Draco I don't blame you Okay I'm happy you apologized but I know you were forced to do those things." He sat there stunned.

"You called me by my first name." He stuttered out.

"I did I want to try to get along what do you say." I put out my hand.

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