12- Awake

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(I'm such a nerd. I was doing a research paper and I came over this word. I barely know what it means but my first thought was "Hey! It's says Draco." Lord help me hahah)
Harry's POV

It's been a month since Draco went in to a coma and I haven't left his side other then when someone forced me.

"Harry please you need to sleep." Hermione and Pansy have been begging me to eat, sleep, and shower, but I refuse.

"What if he wakes up and I'm not here?" My voice shook.

"I told you. You will be the first to hear that he is awake. He wouldn't want you to be depriving yourself from sleep on his account." Hermione rubbed my back.

"Bu-" I was cut off by Pansy.

"Harry Potter no buts go sleep and shower! NOW!" She yells.

Out of pure fear I nod my head and force myself to leave the room.

Mine and Draco's dorm room was a wreck. Every time I come in here I have a panic attack or a mental breakdown. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I looked terrible. My hair was messier then usual. My face was stained from tears and my eyes were blood shot.

I took a long shower washing all the filth from my body.

After drying off and changing clothes I exit the bathroom.

I decide to clean our room a bit so if Draco does wake up he won't have a fit about the mess.

I finish cleaning the room and crawl into bed. My eyes slowly shut and I'm overtaken by the darkness of sleep.


What am I doing in the hospital wing?

I look around and see nurses surrounding a bed.

I walk over and see Draco with needles in his arms and potions being forced in to him.

He started violently shaking.
The nurses started to hurry around him and hold him down and stop the shaking, but nothing helped.

I was too in shock to speak. It wasn't until they started forcefully trying to calm him down when I actually did say something.

"What are you doing to him? You're going to kill him." I screamed at them. They all looked back and said nothing. They stopped everything they were doing and started walking towards me.

"Why do you care? You did this to him." A nurse yelled at me.

"He is dying because of you." Another nurse said.

The hospital wing door swung open and revealed Ron and Hermione holding hands and Pansy standing behind them.

"You are a freak harry. Draco was perfectly fine before you started messing with him." Hermione spat at me.

A loud beep was heard through the whole room.

"He's dead." A nurse said.

"You murdered him." Pansy yelled.

"No I didn't." I yelled back.

Headmaster Mcgonagall and others from the ministry of magic bursted through the door and ran towards me.

"Harry James Potter you are sentenced to death for the murder of Draco Lucius Malfoy." Mcgonagall spoke highly.

"No no I didn't do this. I would never do this he was my boyfriend." My voice was shaking and I was in tears.

"Take him away." Men surrounded me and drug me out of the room screaming and begging.


"Harry wake up!" My eyes shot open and I see Hermione in tears next to me.

"You scared me to death Harry." Hermione pulled me in to a hug.

"I'm sorry I just, everything was bad and.." I stopped and cried in to her shoulder.

"It's ok it was only a nightmare. I came to wake you up and found you screaming and shaking." She hugged me tighter.

"Why did you come to get me?" I pulled away from her

"Oh Merlin I was so worried about you I completely forgot. Harry... Draco's awake but.." she stopped herself.

"But what Hermione." My excitement turned to worry with that single word.

"The nurses said that he mentally isn't stable to leave a hospital so their moving him some where safer, and he might be there for a few years. Six at the most, two at the least. He won't let them leave until he sees you." She bursted into tears. I didn't even think I just jumped up and ran to Draco. I was going to see him. He's my everything now. It kills me to know he's leaving.

I can't lose him.

I-I love him.


I kind of like how this ends kind of not.

Poor Draco and harry.

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