6-Thank you

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Harry's POV

I woke to see Draco not in his bed but on the floor.

"Draco wake up." I nudge his shoulder but he didn't budge.

"Draco get up!" I said a little louder.

"I'm sleeping five more minutes." He waved me away and turned over.

"You give me no choice Malfoy, Wingardium Leviosa." I lifted Draco up and he started to panic.

"Put me down Harry right now!" He yelled.

"Ok." I dropped him on his bed which he bounced off of.

"Not what I meant." He glared at me.

I stood there innocently.

"Hurry up and get dressed we need to get to class." I laughed at his glare.

He rolled his eyes and got ready.

~~~time skip(lunch)~~~

"Draco you can sit with me I know what happen yesterday had to of been related to the Slytherins." I tell him before he go in to the great hall.

He nods in silence as in agreeing.

We enter the the chatter filled room and walk over to the Gryffindor table.

"Hello harry, Draco?" Hermione looked at me then Draco.

"Why is he over here." Ron complained with a mouth full of food.

"Ronald be nice, he can sit here if he wants." Hermione defended him and then sent an apologetic look his way.

We sat down and ate with now trouble other then Rons complaining and Hermione trying to control him.

When we finished lunch hermione asked Draco to help her with something and left Ron and I alone for free period.

"I still don't like him." Ron muttered.

"Ron why can't you at least try to be nice he is making an effort in to being friends why can't you." I stormed off not understanding why I got so upset.

Draco's POV

"Hermione what did you need my help with." I looked at her as she drags me behind her.

She stays quiet as if not hearing me.

"Where are we going." She continues to stay quiet when we enter the library. She pulls he to the back of the library and sits me down at a lone table.

"I'm going to ask you something and you have to be completely honest with me. Alright?" She looks at me seriously.

I look at her surprised but soon find my voice.

"Of course."

"Do you Draco Malfoy like Harry Potter? Yes or No?" She spoke slowly as if scared to speak.

"W-why would you ask that." My voice shakes and I become nervous quickly.

"Well I just see you stealing glances at Harry and you look at him a certain way."
She made it seem as though it was easy to tell.

"I don't like harry we're just friends alright." I look down at my hands.

"Draco I'm your friend too and all I want is to see my friends happy. I don't care if you like harry. For the short time have been friends you seem to make him happy with or without romance and Harry's like my brother and that's all I want him to be is happy." She said seriously.

"If I tell you the truth you have to promise not to tell anyone even harry not yet please." I pleaded.

"So you do like him?" She smile grew.

"Yes I do I have for a while now." I answer shyly.

"This is great Draco you deserve to be happy and so does harry. I'm going to help you ok I promise." I was taken back by her statement but was quickly over taken by happiness.

"Thank you hermione thank you so much." I pulled her in to a hug.

"You're welcome Draco."

Harry's POV

I walked to my room and slammed the door.

I face planted my bed and just laid there for a while.

I heard the bedroom door open and didn't bother getting up.

"You look comfortable." I heard Draco say plopping on to his bed.

I laughed and sat up.

"Why'd hermione need your help." I asked

"Oh she just need help on a potions problem, she also asked if I would join you, her and Ron on the hogsmeade trip in a month." He seemed a bit nervous but I brushed it off.

"Of course you can come but it's going to be a hard time convincing Ron." I joked.

"Hermione said she'd talk to him." Was all he said before laying back.

I did the same and found my myself slowly drifting off.



I hope you liked this chapter I definitely liked writing. Hermione is such a Queen I love her.

Draco is just a pure bean and hermione swoops down and helps him out just yes.

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