3- Dont leave

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(Real quick look at the picture above I just found it and I love it. Draco's just like nope he's mine. And I love that haha. Ok continue reading)

We stayed in the astronomy tower for a little longer before deciding to head to the great hall for dinner.

Draco hesitantly started walking to the Slytherin table before I stopped him.

"Draco you can come and sit with us if you don't want to have to deal with them." I told him.

"It's fine I'll have to face them sooner or later right." I nodded and he continued to walk over to them.

I got to my table and received a weird look from some kids in different years.

"Hey mate took you long enough what were you Malfoy up to?" He mocked me I just rolled my eyes at him.

"How can you already be studying Hermione classes haven't even started yet." Ron looked at Hermione.

"Well unlike you I want to be prepared for the
N. E. W. T. S." She shot back.

"'Mione Ron's right you have plenty of time to study for those blasted exams."'I said eating a piece of bread.

She rolled her eyes and looked at something behind me.

"Poor Draco." Was all she said.

I turned around and saw him looking down as the other Slytherins said harsh things to him.

He finally got enough of it and left the room.

"I'll be right back." I said getting up.

Ron started to say something before Hermione stopped him.

When I got out of the great hall I could hear soft sobs getting farther away.

I ran in the direction the sobs were coming from and finally stop in front of the old charm room.

I opened the door to see Draco sitting on the floor in the front of the room.

"Draco." I spoke quietly so quietly I could barely hear myself.

"Leave." He screeched and looked up. He's face was red and puffy. His hair was everywhere from him running his hands through it.

"Draco I'm not leaving." I spoke louder then before.

"I said LEAVE Potter, please." He yelled through sobs.

I sat in front of him and just looked at him. This is not the Malfoy I knew. The Malfoy I knew would never cry in front of me without trying to stop or deny it.

"Dra..uh." I was cut off surprised by Draco hugging me crying in to my shoulder.

I hugged him back before hearing him say some thing.

"Don't leave." He cried more.

"Like I said before I'm not leaving." He hugged me tighter as if he let me go I'd be gone forever.

"T-the things t-they said it's all true. I'm a filthy death eater. I'm a killer. I'm a monster. It's all my fault." He cried harder.

"Draco that's not true you're not a deatheater at least not willingly. Voldemort was the killer not you and you are far from a monster yours just a broken human. And it's my fault not yours." I said the last part too quiet for him to even hear.

Draco pulled away from me and just stared at me.

His eyes were burning through mine and they were filled with something unreadable.

We both stayed quiet.

"Thank you." His voice sounded drained.

"For what?" I asked.

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