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We stared at each other until Draco checked the time.

"We're going to be late come on." He rushed me.

The day went by quickly and we only had one class left.

Me and Draco entered the new potions class and found seats near the back.

"Hello class my names professor Gaggle I'm sure everyone's familiar with the Amortentia potion. Can someone explain what that potion is for those of you that don't know."

Hermione's hand shot up.

"Yes miss.." professor gaggle pointed to Hermione.

"Granger, and Amortentia is one of the strongest love potions. It smells of what or who you desire the most." She spoke confidently.

"Correct miss granger now the potion ingredients are in your books if you don't know them now get a partner and get to a cauldron." She waves to us before sitting behind her desk.

"Ok I'll mix the potion you get the ingredients." Draco said to me.

I nodded and walked over to get all the ingredients.

"Ok first ashwinder eggs." I handed him the eggs.

"Next rose thorns and peppermint." Again I handed him the ingredients.

"Ok lastly I need powdered moonstone and pearl dust." I handed him the last ingredients and he mixed them together.

Pink smoke was fuming from most everyone's cauldrons.

"Good job now smell the potion and write down what you smell on your parchment then you can hand it in and you will be dismissed for the day." Profess Gaggle smiles at everyone.

"You want to go first?" Draco asked me.

I nod and smell the fuming pot.

I smell green apples, hair gel, and fresh grass. I wrote as I thought.

I look up at Draco and he proceeds to smells the concoction.

Draco wrote down what he smelled as well.

We turned our parchment in and decided to go to the astronomy tower since classes were over.

"Want to play truth or dare." Draco asked out of no where.

"Sure you go first." I insisted.

"Ok truth or dare?"

"Truth." I stated.

"Okay what's up with weaselette? I mean you act like she's a disease now." He sat down next to me on the ground.

"Well we broke up. And no she didn't dump me I dumped her."

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"One question at a time Malfoy anyway truth or dare." I joked.

"dare." He said confidently.

"Ok I dare you to scream "I love muggles." I laughed.

He looked like I was crazy but stood up.

"I LOVE MUGGLES." He quickly said before covering his mouth.

I bursted out laughing.

He rolled his eyes at me and proceeded to ask his next question.

"Truth or dare?"


"As I asked before why'd you break up the weaselette?"

"I realized that I didn't like her as a girlfriend but just as a sister." I spoke thinking of when Ginny and I were briefly together.

He stayed quiet but then regained his voice.

"I always did think that your relationship was only one sided." He laughed.

"Okay okay truth or dare."
I ask laughing along.

"I'm afraid I'll just pick truth."

"Why did you help me during the war? I mean you "hated" me right?" Draco looked shocked by the questions.

He thought for a few seconds before finally answering.

"I don't know why I helped you I suppose I just didn't want to see you die. I didn't truly hate you either it was just better if you thought I did." He admitted.

"Well I don't truly hate you either." We both laughed.

"It's getting late I think we should head to dinner." Draco said standing up.

I nodded and followed his action.

We walked in to the great hall and parted ways.

"Where did you and Malfoy disappear to after potions " Ron said with a mouth full.

Hermione rolled her eyes over the large book in front of her at His poor manners.

"We went to the astronomy tower why do ask?" I asked as I began to to eat.

"Well you two did seem in a rush to get out of potions." Hermione said putting her book down.

"We weren't in a rush we're friends now I can hang out with my friend right?" I looked at them.

"Of course you can mate, but just be careful I know you forgave Malfoy but he could be up to something." Ron said with all seriousness.

"Everyone deserves a second chance even Draco."  Hermione says looking over to the blonde Slytherin.

"Even if he is a total git  sometimes." Hermione slapped Ron over the head after his comment and we all laughed.

After dinner I said goodnight to Ron and hermione and went off to my room.

"Draco you in here." I called out but got no response.

I decided to go take a shower before Draco got here.

I entered the bathroom and undressed.

I must of took a long shower because the whole bathroom of full of steam when I got out.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and used another one to dry my hair.

I walked out with only the towel on and saw non other then a bloody and beaten Draco in complete shock.



Hello beobles

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been super busy with my life which is a terrible excuse I know but I don't care.

I'm going to try and update three chapters at a time so that is going to be another reason I don't update often.

The next chapter is going to be somewhat interesting so I hope up like it this chapter is ok but not my best but I hope you liked it anyway.

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