The scare

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"IM COMING!" nash yelled!

I followed him down the stairs and he opened the his face dropped.......


"Who is it." I asked

Then i came rochelle, uuuugghhhh

"Why can't you just leave me alone!" nash screamed

"Because I love you and I know you love me!"

"Y/N go upstairs while I Finish here." Nash said calmly

"Okay..." I whispered

I didn't argue back because I didn't want to get all stressed. and stress is bad for the babies health and my health , I read that in one of the those leaflets in the hospital waiting room!

One I had gone upstairs I decided I needed the toilet so you know all the usual stuff in the bathroom, then I looked down and I was bleeding!!

There was still shouting going on downstairs and then all of a sudden it was silent and I heard a door slam!

"What a bitch!" nash mumbled as he came upstairs to find me!


"OH MY GOD!!" nash said one he looked

I also read in the leaflet that bleeding could be a sign of a miscarriage!

Nash scooped me up bridal style and sat me in the car. once we arrived at the hospital I was rushed in for a scan and nash wasn't allowed to come!

Nash's POV

I really needed to be there for her right now, but I wasn't allowed in the scan room with her. I had read lots of leaflets about babies and stuff and bleeding isn't a good sign!

"I HATE THIS!" i screamed to the whole waiting room could hear then a man who was sitting in the corner got up and shouted

"Shut up!!!!!"

I crossed my arms and slumped back into my chair. and all the memories of us came back I smiled to myself!

Your POV

I was sitting in the chair thing thinking of all the good times me and nash have had together!

At the moment they were doing a ultrasound to see if the babies heart beats were okay!

"Can Nash come in now!" I pleaded with the doctor!

"Fine, nurse go and get him"
he called to one of his nurses

Nash's POV

"Nash Grier." a nurse came out with a clip board

"Yes!" I replied

"Come with me she said."

I followed her into a small white room and y/n sitting on a bed with someone scanning her belly!

I sat down on the chair next to her and squeezed her hand gently.

"Okay, so the results are....." the doctor said

My breathing hitched and y/n looked me in the eye.

Here's the update I hope you liked it k bye!!

Pregnant with Nash Griers babyWhere stories live. Discover now