I Don't Care

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-Lucy's POV-

I was standing over them glaring at them, they took me away from my friends and tried to tell me Fairy Tail are my friends. I growled in anger as I kicked the blonde male in the stomach, he rolled back onto his back and fell unconscious, groaning in pain. My shirt was hiding my new guild mark.

"Lucy, please stop this come to your senses, we are not here to hurt you. We're trying to save you." The one with black hair replied weakly.

"No, the Oración Seis will save me from you scum." I said pulling him up with his hair to eye level.

"Please stop this... Wake up..." He pleaded in pain.

I laughed a little, as I punched him across the face and dropped him. "You guys are so weak and pathetic, if what your saying is true about you being good and the Seis being evil, I think I'll stay with evil." I laughed evilly.

I sniffed the air and smelt two new scents running towards me, I turn my head to see a male with pink hair, and the other male was shirtless with raven hair. The black haired Sabertooth member fell unconscious.

I glared at them. "Who the hell are you two, you more saber's." I growled as they looked at me shocked.

"Lucy, its me Natsu. We're in Fairy Tail together." The pink haired one spoke out.

"Fairy Tail? You guys hurt me, I was saved from you." I smirked crossing my arms. I watched the two little exceeds run to the males on the ground.

"Did you do this Lucy? Did you take down Sting and Rogue? Also destroy this forest?" The shirtless man asked.

"Yes I did? Problem?" My smirk grew wider as I could smell the Seis almost here.

"Come back with us please. Gray and I, the whole guild misses you." Natsu said.

"Hmm, how about no." I said putting my hands on my hips.

Gray's eyes widened. "What about your keys, Erza has your spirits."

"Who the hell is Erza and I don't have any keys or spirits." I smile. "Now its about time I leave. Bye." I chirp walking away from them.

"Wait Lucy!" Natsu called.

"I don't think so Salamander." I heard Cobra's voice as I turned to see the two Fairy's in shock.

"She's with us, You can't have her." Midnight said.

I walked over to them and put my arms around Midnight and Cobra as I let my cloak fall to the floor revealing my guild mark. I smirked since I knew I didn't have to say anything.

"We'll be leaving now. Unless you want to fight." Brain said coldly.

Gray and Natsu were glaring at me and the Seis. "We'll come back for you Lucy." Gray said dragging Natsu away.

I smiled happily and hugged everyone in the Seis. "Thank you guys for saving me."

"Looks to us that you had everything under control." Angel smiled looking at the area and the unconscious Sabertooth members.

"Even so. Those Guys wouldn't have left without a fight if you guys didn't show up." I smiled and started walking to the cave.

"We're moving again. It's too dangerous here." Cobra said as he followed with everyone.

"Alright..." I say sighing.

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