Chapter 4

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Hana and I were finishing up dinner when the front door opened and a mass of arguing came through the door.

"HE DID TO! YOU SAW WITH YOUR OWN EYES!" A male voice said or more like yelled.


"I TOLD YOU ALREADY I DIDNT TRIP HIM HE FELL ON HIS OWN." The arguing continued as they made there way to the kitchen. When they were halfway there Hana got annoyed.

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP AND COME GET DINNER! WE HAVE A GUEST IF YOU DONT REMEMBER!"Hana yelled. The arguing between the three continued.I scowled 'damn this family is loud ugh that's so tiring. If it keeps up they'll all be unconscious soon enough.' I could feel my dark aura emitting throughout the house as my chakra levels starting raising dangerously high.

Just then the two stepped into the kitchen and all arguing came to a stop. I slowly breathed in and out until I calmed back down.

"I can be a nice person however I'm easily irritated. When I get irritated I can't promise you won't become unconscious so watch out next time." I calmly stated while turning around and giving them a glare. It was silent for a couple minutes before Hana broke it.

"You know I don't think I caught your name." She replied rubbing the back of her head. I looked up from my plate without any emotion.

"My name is Yukia Itomo." Is all I said before I looked back down at my plate.

"What's with the last minute request from lady Tsunade to come stay with us?" Mrs Inuzuka asked.

Without looking up at my plate I replied, " lady Tsunade originally told me to stay with the Nara clan,however this arrangement was made without her knowledge of both our clans feud." Only then did I lift my head seeing the startled look on all their faces.

"You and the Nara's have a feud?" Kiba asked, complete shock written all over his face.

"Yes" I stated simply not really wanting to talk about it.

"Over what?" Hana asked

"I'm not sure but Shikamaru's father came in and refused to house me, so thats why you got the last minute request." All this was said without emotion.

"Of you don't know wha-"

I cut mrs Inuzuka off, "Just drop it ok?" Though it wasn't really a question, while giving her a glare. I finished what was left of my food and stood. "I'm going to bed." I got up and started making my way towards the stairs.

"Your going to bed already? You just got up less then an hour ago!" Hana said disbelievingly.

"Yes do you have a problem with that?" I asked threateningly

"No no, not at all" all three responded at the same time

"Good" with that I walked up the stairs and went to sleep


                                           SHIKAMARU'S POV

I was currently lying on my bed thinking about my dad's strange behavior yesterday when he came back from the hokage's office.

Yesterday had been a good day well mostly. Everyone was busy so I got to sleep which is great. Then my mom woke me by nicely yelling in my ear, then proceeding to flip me off the bed and onto the hardwood floor, telling me I needed to get some fresh air. I got up and went for a walk which is were I ment Yukia.

While I was with her I got a tingly feeling in my stomache. I kept blushing, and weirdly enough even though she's a girl, I didn't find her to be a drag.

Then my dad came back from the hokages office madder then I've ever seen him. I had been dozing on the chair in the living room when the door slammed open, efficiently snapping me out of my sleepy daze. He stormed in, right up to me, and stuck his finger in my face.

"I don't want you hanging out with Yukia Itomo understand?" I quickly nodded my head to show I understood, but I couldn't help but wonder why. You could see it took all his effort not to yell at me. With my nod he turned stormed up to his room and slammed the door.

Now laying in bed, of course as soon as I get a crush I'm not allowed to go near her. I sighed for the 50 time today. This whole situation is turning out to be such a drag, I just want to know what's going on.

This is making me tired so with that thought I turned on my side and easily fell asleep.

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