Chapter 5

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I woke up at 12:30 PM, and heard yelling downstairs. I groaned and rolled over, I didn't feel dealing with them right now. I reluctantly got up took a shower, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, then got dressed in my ninja gear. After all that it was 1:00 and the yelling was getting louder and closer. I became frantic so I quickly grabbed my sword, threw open the window, and jumped out.

I ran all the way across the village before I got to a hill. I saw someone laying in the grass on the hill and as I got closer I realized it was Shikamaru. I layed down next to him.

"hey Shikamaru, long time no see." He lazily turned his head to me before responding.

"Yeah I guess." There was a couple minutes of silence,"hey... What happened the other day in the hokage's office? My dad came back angry and told me I wasn't allowed to hang out with you. It was such a drag."

I sighed "yeah he told me that to, however no offense, but I plan on ignoring him."

"What did you do to make my dad hate you so much? It takes a lot to get him as mad as he was."

"I, myself didn't do anything." He turned and gave me a questioning look. " I was supposed to be staying with your family, however for many years now the Nara clan and the Itomo clan have hated each other for some reason.

"What is the reason that our clans hate each other so much?" He said looking very upset for some reason I was to lazy to try and figure out.

After another minute of silence I answered. "I'm not sure." He sighed and only then did I notice unconsciously we had moved closer together during the conversation.

"Uh, what a drag!"

"Hm very tiring indeed."

With that said we continued to lay there next to each other, with our arms pressed together. I could feel my face slowly heating up, but eventually I felt my eyes get heavy, close and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I noticed the sun was coming over the horizon. 'I can't believe I fell asleep here' I tried to get up to go back to the Inuzuka house, but something was holding me down. I looked to my left to see Shikamaru laying there, with his arm around my waist. Our legs were tangled together and I noticed if I layed down how I woke up, I was sleeping with my face in Shikamaru's chest.

Slowly and reluctantly I lightly shook him awake. "Huh? Yukia I thought my family didn't like your what are you doing in my house?" He said sleepily while rubbing his eyes. I smiled and laughed lightly.

"Well Shika our family's don't like each other, but were not in your house either. We fell asleep outside yesterday." He sat up straight and he turned his head out if my view. When he turned back he had a deepening blush on his face.

"Um sorry about that Yukia."he said scratching the back of his head while yawning.

"It ok Shika, but you should go home before your parents worry. I should make my way back to the Inuzuka's to." I'm probably just imagining it but I'm pretty sure I saw a flash of jealously in his eyes.

"Yeah your probably right, be careful on your way back."

"Same to you Shika, also it's best this stays between us. If anyone found out there's a chance your family could find out."

"Huh I know this whole situation is just such a drag." He said while rubbing a hand over his face.

I giggled quietly, "see you later."

"Yeah I'll see you around Yukia."

With that we both went the opposite ways to our houses.

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