Chapter 6

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I finally got back to the Inuzuka compound, and as soon as I walked in the door I was pinned down like 6 dogs who were barking really loudly in my ears.

"WERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Yelled Kiba's mom.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MAD LADY TSUNADE WAS AT ME BECAUSE I COULDNT FIND MY OWN TEAM MATE?!" Kiba shouted joining his mom. Man this was tiring, why does this happen to me?

"Calm down I was with a friend yesterday and I feel asleep ok?" They both gave me an 'are you serious?' Look before Kiba came over and started sniffing me. "What are you doing" I said feeling really weirded out.

He wrinkled his nose before stepping back "Ew you smell like that lazy ass Nara boy." I sighed completely forgetting they had senses like a dog.


I started clicking my tongue against the top of my mouth trying to hold back my retort which didn't work at all. "Yeah and normal family's don't go around their house shouting. Especially not family's with advanced hearing." I snapped back at her.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" They both yelled at the same time. I wasn't in the mood to deal with them so I turned on my heel and started walking towards the door.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" They both once again yelled at the same time.

"I'm going to train leave me the hell alone." I said calmly walking out the door.

I could hear them screaming at me as I left but I just ignored them and continued trying to find a training field

After about fifteen minutes I found one. Once there I saw a team standing there. As soon as I set foot in the field, all four heads turned my way.

"Well what is your name youthful soul?!" The oldest of them all shouted and a younger version of that guy was quickly nodding his head next to him. I sweat dropped. I looked at the other two.

"Are they sane?" I asked them.

They both looked at each other and answered together,"no" mean while they both went into their emo corner.

"Anyway my name is Tenten, the other sane person on my team is Neji. The younger one over there is Rock Lee and then there's Guy sensei."

"Nice to meet you my name is Yukia. If this training field is occupied can you please point me to another field?" I asked lazily and emotionless.

"Don't worry about it you can train with us if that's ok with you." Tenten said.

"Very well, then let's get started. All three of us got into the starting position. While the other two were yelling about how being left out isn't youthful.

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