Chapter 8

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"SHIKAMARU!" We heard a male voice call in the distance.

"Uh what a drag! That's my dad." He said while lazily getting up. "I'll see you guys later."

I watched him leave out of the corner of eye, at the same time I felt eyes burning into the back of my head. I turned around to face the eyes while still laying down in the grass.

"So how'd you meet Shika and what did you do to make his dad hate you so much?" Choji asked munching on his bag of chips, which he keeps pulling out of no where.

I sighed I was eventually expecting this. "He escorted me from the gates to the hokages office when the guards fell asleep. I was supposed to be staying with his family but our clans have been enemy's for a long time, so I was forced to stay with the damn dog clan." When I had began telling my story Choji had looked up at the clouds.

"Oh I see, so even though your clans are enemy's you guys still hang out and that why I needed to be here.."

"Hmm" I confirmed Choji's statement. " I need to get back to the dogs, it was nice meeting you Choji." As I said that I began to walk away.

"You to" was all I heard as I made my way back into the trees.

It was almost completely dark by the time I got back to the Inuzuka's. I walked in to see them sitting around the table looking slightly annoyed. When they heard me enter they looked up and everyone but Hana started yelling.




I groaned as Kiba and his loud mouth of a mother continued to scream. I ignored them walked to the table and grabbed my plate, ignoring their yelling about me ignoring them. I teleported myself upstairs and locked my door so I could eat in somewhat peace. When I finished I checked for everyone's chakra signals and when I realized they weren't close to my door I quickly opened it and put my plate in the hallway. I returned to my bed and immediately fell asleep.

I was woken to the sound of pounding on my door. " COME ON GET UP WE HAVE TRAINING TODAY!!" I recognized the annoying voice of Kiba. I sighed and got out of bed and got dressed. I smirked when I came up with a brilliant plan to get back at Kiba for waking me up and all the times he's yelled in my ear. Using one of the many powers of my clans Kekkei Genkai, I materialized a little ball. It was nothing more then a tiny bouncy ball you can put entirely in the palm of your hand. I transferred some of my chakra into the ball and placed it on the bed. I teleported to the training grounds where I saw Hinata, and Shino waiting. I went over to the nearest tree and sat down.

"Yukia.... Where's Kiba?" I looked up when Kurenai spoke. I smirked internally but showing no outward emotion.

"He was having a hard time getting himself together this morning so I came without him." She nodded her head believing that lie all in all. I knew he was probably still banging on my door, having fallen for my trick. We waited for another hour for Kiba to show up and when he did he looked pissed.

"So Kiba you finally got yourself together?" Kurenai asked slightly annoyed.

"I was waiting for Yukia to get out of bed! But when she wouldn't I just left without her." He looked so confident when he spoke.

"Kiba..." Kurenai was even more annoyed now. "Yukia showed up on time almost an hour ago we were waiting for you." With that said I released the power over the ball and it disappeared. At the same time Kiba slowly and hesitantly turned his head in my direction and glared with all his might. I simply smirked still leaning against a tree, paybacks a bitch.

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