Chapter 7

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All four of us were laying in the grass of the training field panting. We had been training for hours now. I can honestly say the eyebrow guy surprised me with his strength.

The older eyebrow guy suddenly came out of where ever he was standing the whole time we were training.

"Good job! That was a very youthful training session!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I decided I was to lazy to open my eyes so,.. I kept them closed. "Yukia! Are you a new genin?" Older eyebrows asked me in his overly loud voice.

"Please do not shout I already have to deal with that with the damn dog clan. Second yes I'm new to the leaf village, but I'm not a genin." I could feel everyone's questioning gaze on me.

"If you aren't a genin, what are you?" Tenten asked voicing everyone's question.

"I am a chunin." I stated calmly.

"What? I didn't see you at the chunin exams! Guy sensei I think my eyes are losing their youthfulness what should I do?!"

"I don't know Lee my eyes also must be less youthful because I didn't see her either!" And with that the eyebrows started having a conversation.

"Yukia, we are going to have ramen with some of our friends, do you want to join us?" Tenten asked standing up.

"Yeah I'm hungry so I'll go." I replied faster than usual. I haven't eaten anything for a while and I'm hungry, so why not?

As we walked into the ramen shop, there were a lot of people. There was.....

~a really energetic blond

~an annoying pink haired girl

~an annoying loud blond girl

~a really quiet girl who looked like Neji

~a guy with bugs all around him *make a personal note to watch out for that guy*


~a slightly bigger guy who seemed to have a passion for food

~and Shikamaru

"HELLO EVERYONE!" Lee shouted in my ear. I got annoyed and walked him over the top of his head making him slam into the ground.

"I told you I don't like shouting." I said calmly but with a demonic hint to it.

"Oh right, sorry Yukia!" He apologized standing up and scratching the back of his head. I didn't respond but walked forward and sat I between Shikamaru and the female Neji. After ordering beef ramen I put my head in my arms to rest while I waited.

"Hey Yukia." I was lightly nudged by Shika.

"Hm?" I asked lazily turning my head to face him.

"After this lets go to the field this time Choji will come with us and wake us before night." He said pointing to the slightly bigger guy who was currently shoving his face with food, though I didn't really care.

"Sounds good to me." Just then the ramen was ready. After ramen, Shikamaru, Choji, and I went to the field to relax.

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