My First Kiss

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I am so sorry. This chapter should have been up ages ago! But I sat myself down and I am not getting out of this seat until I have produced a decent chapter. Also, I will try and update agin this week to make up for the gap. So read, enjoy, comment and possibly vote :) ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO J K R :)

I couldn't believe it. James Potter kissed me! But what surprised me more was that I liked it. Yes, I liked it. The boy I had hated all throughout Hogwarts has just kissed me and I am not disgusted, repulsed or even angry!

I sat on my bed, grinning like an idiot for absolutely ages. I felt what a girl supposedly felt after her first kiss. I suppose this was my first proper kiss but not my first real one. No that had been stolen away by someone else...

I had just come back from my fourth year at Hogwarts. Petunia was acting jealous as usual, so I had gone outside to play with Severus. Well I say play but wemore like illegally used magic in his front yard, so the ministry think it's his mother. I was practicing my rainfall spell. It was gently drizzling. I could have done better, but I didn't really want to get too wet. Neither did Sev.

"Hey Lily, you are really good at that," Sev told me.

"I can do better," I replied.

"I'm sure you can," he told me. "You know this is a perfect scene. This is how I would want the scene of my first kiss."

"Right..." I say, trying to avoid that awkward topic. I didn't like talking about relationships with Sev. It always made me feel like he didn't want to be just friends with me.

Sev stood in front of me. Then his lips were on mine. For a few seconds, I was paralyzed with shock. What was happening? Then, just by instinct, I pushed Sev away.

"What was that for?" I screeched.

"I'm not sure," Sev mumbled.

"I thought I was your friend Severus!" I shouted

"I am Lily. It's just that I wanted to take your first kiss, before someone else could." 

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