« Chapter Two »

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( *When you realize people actually read your story and commented on it * AW SNAP! Also, as you can obviously tell this is NOT my art!! I REPEAT THIS IS N O T MY ART...cool now enjoy the story)

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Zane's POV

The ship must have been just passing by and just happened to catch one of my subjects, now let's just hope she's alive. I swam closer and closer to the ship soon peaking my face out to the surface. I saw a human with tan-ish skin and dark brown hair with blue eyes, he was fishing with a blue cooler right next to him. I got to get that cooler, but how? I then looked back into the ocean and spotted some rocks, quickly forming a plan to save my subject.

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Laurance's POV

I was sitting on the edge of the boat fishing for something to hopefully add to the aquarium tank in my cabin, I just wanted to observe it and then set it free after my studies, I then felt a huge pull from my fishing line that almost pulled me off the boat.


I almost was pulled again off the boat if Dante didn't grab me and help pull me up

" What the heck!!"

Aphmau then ran up to the deck

" What's going on!?"

" Laurance caught something and it's huge! It almost pulled him off the boat!!"

Aphmau then helped in pulling me with Dante

It wasn't long until everyone was helping me pull what every it was up on the ship. Then all of a sudden the pulling stopped and we all fell with a big thud

" Hurry pull it up while you can!!"

I frantically reeled in whatever was pulling, the blue cooler that was sitting next to me the entire time all of sudden was hit with something and dropped into the ocean I reached out to hopefully catch it but, I didn't react fast enough.

" NO!"

everyone looked over the edge as the cooler was then quickly pulled into the water by something.
" Oh no."
" Did you have anything special in there?"
Travis asked me. I nodded my head in response
" Alright, I'll get it."
" What! No Travis you don't have to do that for me."
" it's fine, you just keep reeling in whatever is on that line, we're near a coral reef right now so the water isn't too deep."

I was about to try and convince him not to do it but as soon as I opened my mouth he had already dived in the depth of the sea...

Travis's POV

As I dived into the ocean, opening my eyes to looks around and see if I could find Laurence's blue cooler. But what I soon saw left me in shock, a man but not just any man. A merman! He had jet black hair that covered one of his eyes, he was very pale, a satchel hung on his shoulder with white pearl earrings and his tail...His tail was probably the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! It was jet black just like his hair with slightly shiny and smooth looking like scales. I looked at him with wide eyes, he had the blue cooler. He opened it and as he did a small yellow fish swam out, making certain sounds, I guess he could understand them because he finally spoke up and replied
" It's no problem, you are one of my subjects and care for all of you. No matter how big or small, now you better swim along and find your brother! He's been worried sick about you. "
The fish nodded and swam away, the merman then looked at the cooler. I started to swim closer to him, slightly above so I could maybe get the cooler without him noticing. I was right behind him when I noticed that I need air soon, I guess he finally noticed something because the merman then whipped around and saw me, only a few inches away from my face. He had spun so fast around that the hair that covered one of his eyes moved out of the way, revealing a blue eye like the other but much more pale. Was he blind in that eye? His face turned different shades of red as we looked deep into each other's eyes, I guess he realized what I was after because he held my hand softly and placed the cooler hand in it after a couple of seconds. He then lifted me up above him slightly as a way of telling me to go back to the surface, I didn't want to go through! I wanted to talk to him, at least get his name! But I did need air, I covered my mouth and I guess he took that as a help signal cause he then circled up around me, causing me to move up so he could push me up for air. I throw my head back slightly when I reached the surface and coughed a bit breathing in the air
" Travis! Are you ok?!? "
I looked up to see everyone still on the deck watching over the edge looking at me
" Yeah, I'm ok."
" Did you get the cooler!"
I nodded and showed them, then threw it on the boat
" Aww."
" What's wrong Laurence "
" the fish I caught earlier is gone, oh well "
I thought back to when the merman opened the cooler to let the fish inside free, the merman! I dived back down to hopefully find him again while hearing my friends above call for my name again. I ignored them and looked around, nothing. He was gone...where could he have gone! I started to swim around looking for him...
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Zane's POV
I hide beside a rock as I watched the white-haired human swim around looking for me, I want to go to him! I really do, but what if he wants to catch me to sell me! Or even worst, I just couldn't risk it... I sat down holding my arm, a bit upset about not being able to go to him. I noticed a shadow rise over me, I turned around and sure enough, it was him. I flinched back a bit, oh no. what's he gonna do?

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