Chapter 14:Edge

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Disclaimer:I don't own Naruto,Boruto or any characters in the series.

*Picture is not mine*

I don't think filler would fit the word but this chapter is less important than any others,I just think I should write this down.

I said my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But I'm not so sure. And besides...This isn't my sword
During his last fight in Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance


Chapter 14:Edge

"Too slow"

Boruto swept his sword around her's,twisting it to loosened up her grip he then tossed it away,completely disarming Sarada.

The ravenette merely huff in annoyance,walking toward her sword which has landed several feet away from them thanks to her blond companion previous action."It's only a day,even my total training time hasn't reach 24 hours yet.I'm still new with this weapon" She snatch her sword by it's hilt,staring at it for couples of seconds she then walk back toward Boruto.

"You got to learn fast,in Kenjutsu speed and observation is everything.But mainly it was observation you should maintain,watch your opponent and calculate what their next move is" The boy suddenly fixed his sword and swung it to her,surprising her to the point make her freeze on spot.The tip of it's metalic surface only stop an inch apart from her neck before he retract it back down to his side "You are hesitate,such action will get you killed in sword fight.However making a haste decission is also not good,first see what your enemy move is before you launch a counter-strike.One more thing,don't look at their sword but their eyes" The blond swung his sword to her and this time she able to block it with her own."Good,but the rule we had agree upon is no Ninjutsu or Doujutsu allowed to be used in this session"

She retract her weapon,scarlet eyes start to fading back to it's original dark color as she did so."Why should we do this? I mean it would be easier if I used my Sharingan"

The blond only shook his head no,he then brought his sword up with side directed to her.Sarada act almost instinctively with turning her Sharingan on and held her Katana up ready to repels his attacks,unknown to her she has fell to his plan until it was too late.

Bright rays of sunlight set Boruto's sword on glint,it's reflection sail directly to her sensitive eyes and burn her vision.She almost drop the sword on her grips and winch in pain as the burning sensation soars through her eyes,blinking rapidly to turn her Doujutsu off she then glare to her companion who since then only stare stoically.

Her father didn't lie when he said Boruto will act differently when it comes to train."He put matters by it's own,separating personal life and work.He'll act much different than what he are now,so expect him to be harsh on you" He had said this morning before they set off for training.

"Boruto is right,Sarada" A pale skinned figures pipes up,jumping down from a tree he earlier lean on with a book on his hand "You can not rely on you eyes solely.As for matters of fact,my assumption show that you have to learn on using your other senses"

"In a sword fight every slightest possiblities have their own degree and extent,you have to calculate what they are and how much probability it will occured.You can lost a hand..." She cringe internally,unconciously clutching her right hand which she used to hold her sword with."...a leg or even both of them,or in your case eyes.The best case scenario is you having your head decapitated"

"...and the worst?"

"You got sliced to pancake until the point beyond recognizable"

Her blood ran cold with the thought of being chopped in two or sliced into small chunk of meats.He didn't specify which one he mean but neither sounds better at all.The thought of having only one hand like her father do doesn't sat well on her,sure it was a risk for become a soldier but it still unsettling nevertheless.People might think it's something that run down on the family!.

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