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Yoongi walked away from his counter, were he worked in his busy cafe. He had only 2-3 workers, to help around. The cafe was way too busy to be working alone in.

He thought about Kookie. Why did he claim he knows him? Does he know this supposedly named Kookie?

Yoongi scanned the cafe, hoping to find someone that stands out. Some that is on their phone, most probably alone.

Well, who knows Yoongi? He may even be a creepy stalker, who comes to his cafe everyday, regardless of him saying that he isn't here.

He spotted a young boy in a booth. He was looking back at Yoongi, eyes wide. The young boy was handsome, alone in a corner booth.

Yoongi, excited to the fact that he may have found the boy, who texted him everyday, asking about his day, the boy who called him beautiful.

Yoongi chuckled, he looks like someone named Kookie.

Yoongi, slowly walked towards the boy, who was still surprised.

"Hello," The young boy said.


Yoongi nodded, sitting at the booth with him, across.

Yoongi pulled out his phone.


Are you, by chance, the one and only, Kookie?

Yoongi hopefully looked up to the young boy, smiling slightly.


You found me.

Yoongi was relieved, he smiled really brightly, showing his gums. The boy smiled back, a look of adoration on his face.


Now that we met, can you tell me your name? Please?


No point in hiding now. My name is Jungkook.

Yoongi once again smiled. What a beautiful name for a handsome man. He wanted to know more about Jungkook. Not wanting to change the name from Kookie to Jungkook, he left it that way.


You know hyung, you are even more beautiful up close. A shame, I can't see you no more.

Yoongi blushed a deep red, looking up from his phone, to seeing Jungkook already staring at him fondly.


I predicted this, hyung.


I have to ask another quesiton.


Sure, hyung.


Why do you call me hyung? I could be younger than you.


But you are not, I know that, hyung.

Yoongi looked up again, looking at Jungkook curiously.


Don't you find it weird that I don't talk? That I'm simply texting to you, even when we are in front of each other?


Hyung, I know. You have glossophobia.

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