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Jimin walked through the doors, thinking of surprising Yoongi.

He couldn't find Yoongi, in his spot. Jimin was confused.

He then spotted Yoongi and Jungkook really close to each other in a booth, both staring into each other's eyes.

Jimin was hurt, may be they are just friends, he thought. Friends don't look at each other like that, do they?

Jimin thought of walking over. He didn't think it would be wrong to interrupt, it's not like they were talking.

Jimin walked over, glaring at Jungkook.

"How are you, Yoongi-hyung?" Jimin smiled.

Yoongi looked away from Jungkook, scooting a little bit. He was indeed, flustered.

"He is doing absolutely fine," Jungkook said.

Jimin simply glared, looking back at Yoongi, he smiled.

Yoongi thought if he texted Jimin, it would be less awkward, since Jungkook was answering all the time for him.

Yoongi pulled out his phone.


Is it okay if we text?


Of course.


What's up?


Just wanted to see you. I have a question.

Yoongi looked up at Jimin nervously, he was sure Jimin was going to ask what me and Jungkook were doing. It wasn't bad or anything, it's not like they kissed.

Jungkook looked worried, he was curious as to why Yoongi seemed nervous. He wanted to let Yoongi know, that he wouldn't let anyone hurt him. He always used to say this to Yoongi, to reassure him whenever he would freak out.




What were you guys doing?


Well, if I'm being completely honest, he just bopped his nose with my nose.


Really? That's it?



Yoongi looked up to see Jimin already staring at him. 

Jimin thought it was adorable, but he wished he was the one who did that to Yoongi, not Jungkook. Well, he could. Jimin asked Yoongi out, not Jungkook.

 Jimin had a bigger chance than Jungkook. He can't loose him now, not when he is starting to develop stronger feelings for Yoongi.

Jungkook sat there, simply waiting for Jimin to leave. This was the second time where he did not get to speak with Yoongi without being interrupted.

"I'm going to leave now, hyung," Jimin waved.

'Goodbye' Yoongi mouthed and then smiled brightly.

Jimin once again, took one last glance at Yoongi and then left.

"You know, hyung, I just want to tell you that, you are really beautiful," Jungkook smiled.

Yoongi blushed a deep crimson. With Jungkook still beside Yoongi, he took Yoongi's hands and kissed them.

"I'm going to leave as well now, hyung. Take care of your cafe," Jungkook smiled.

Jungkook did not have much time left. With that, he left the cafe.

Yoongi thought about how Jungkook bopped his nose. It hurt his head like crazy, it felt like something was constantly nagging his brain. He couldn't get his mind to think. Jungkook's familiar eyes, everything he says if something he always used to hear. 

Jungkook had said that he knew Yoongi, but Yoongi didn't know him. What did he mean?

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