Chapter 6

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Talia didn't normally have a competitive side but she couldn't help it. She finished the programme before Bryce did.

"Done," she said. She leaned back in her chair and turned the computer so he could see it running.

He groaned. "Fine. Fine. You win. I'll talk to my dad about your dinner. Is Friday night good?"

"Yep. Don't look so disappointed," Talia said. "I did just get you an A."

He pushed her chair away. "No need to rub it in."

She laughed. "Sore loser."

"I'm not a sore loser."

"Sure you aren't."

"I'll prove it to you," Bryce said, suddenly seriously. "Let me take you out on a date Thursday."


"A date. Thursday. You said you're okay with eating anything right?"

"For the most part yes. What do you have in mind?" Talia asked. Was Bryce actually asking her out?

"I'll text you either this evening or tomorrow morning." He stood. "I have another group project. Don't forget about tomorrow."

"Okay," Talia said. She watched as Bryce left the room. Did he actually just ask her on a date? An actual date? She knew nothing about dates. Forget finding a serial killer before he attacked his next victim. This was a crisis.

She took out her phone and speed texted Miranda one word:



"I'm having a crisis." Talia rested her head on the desk. "I don't know what to do."

"Relax. Isn't this what you wanted in the first place?" Miranda asked.

"I've never been on a date before."

"First dates are always the most awkward," Carter said. "You should have seen ours."

Miranda groaned and covered her eyes. "That was just one big mess. I want to forget it ever happened."

"I prefer Nicolai," Carter said.

"Then you date him," Talia said.

"I prefer him too," Miranda said.

"You guys only like him for his muscles," Talia said. "That's so shallow."

"Muscles like that take hard work. I admire hard work," Miranda said.

Carter smirked. "That's why she likes to see me shirtless."

"You're a swimmer, Carter," Miranda said. "It's more noteworthy if you have a shirt on. But I won't deny deny that shirtless Carter is very hot." She crossed her arms. "I still say you should drop him and date Nicolai." Juniper's tail thumped on the floor at his name. "See, Juniper agrees with me."

"I have a date with Bryce tomorrow. That's what I need your help with," Talia said. Juniper's ears fell and she hung her head. "You don't side with them. You were fine with Bryce up until two days ago." Juniper turned her head. Talia massaged her temples. "Even my dog disagrees with me. Don't tell me you have a crush on him too." Juniper didn't look at her but she wagged her tail. Talia groaned.

"You're usually so comfortable around Bryce in school," Miranda said.

"Yes. In school. I've never even seen him outside," Talia said.

"Just go with the flow. Everything will work out if you're meant to be," Miranda said.

"You've been watching too many children's movies again," Talia said. The bell rang for school to be over. She grabbed her bag. "I'll talk to you later. I'm going to meet my Mom at her office."

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