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"Alright kid, why did you murder those 5 people? what were your motives?" Love. But I can't tell this guy that, he'll think i'm crazy, but i'm not. I'm not mad. Don't call me mad. "I don't know, please, I don't know anymore!" I never knew I could be such a crybaby. He doesn't understand. I bet no one would, the things people do for love, you must understand right? It's that cuddly feeling you get when you imagine embracing your loved one. Please try to understand my point of view, you've only heard one part of the story. This story, from my point of view at least, is a long and tedious one, but also one that engrosses you and makes you want to read more and more until you realise that you need to go to work, or school. The events leading up to this are suspenseful, so let me give you some advice.

First of all, my name is Wesley Blythe, the first thing you need to know about me is that I'm eccentric, well, that's what all my friends say, however, I feel like the words nerd and weird and emo have lost all meaning and value. Thanks to movies and TV shows, everyone thinks that they're like the losers and the nerds who end up doing something valuable, news flash, if you're truly like the characters in TV shows and movies who are "Socially Awkward" then you'll realise that you'll amount to nothing. You won't be the introvert turned into a hero. You'll just be you. The next thing I need to tell you is that I tend to loose track of the subject very easily and tend to go off on a tangent. If you just want the core story, i'll tell you when to skip to if you don't want to hear me babble on, but if you want to have a more emotional aspect to this story, then I suggest you listen to my "mini- soliloquies." The last of my advice is; don't get attached to the people in my story. It's not worth it. Thanks

"Well surely you must know why you did something so vile... Tell me what lead you to do this, and stay calm, you're in deep enough shit." It was true that I was in deep shit, but I have no choice, If I chose to remain silent, I know I'll get into even deeper  shit. "Okay, but please don't make fun of this or say that it's ludicrous, I assure you that it's not." I don't understand why every officer or detective I tell always laughs it off or says that it's stupid, love really means a lot to me. To me, this is all betrayal, by my friends, by my peers and by my love. Violet... why did you do this? "Look kid, I'll laugh at what I want to laugh at, I'll find something stupid if I want to, if you don't tell me, you'll have a harsher punishment, i'm only trying to make this easier for you." This is stupid. If you won't accept my terms, you're not going to hear my version, this isn't just for the officer, it's going out to you too, if you find this too stupid, then fuck you and fuck off. Love isn't a joking matter. "If you don't take me seriously, then why should I take this seriously." The officer decides to pace around for a minute. "Okay kid, fine, I won't express my thoughts out loud." Thank fuck, who knew getting to the point would take so long?            

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