The First Date

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So, After 14 years of knowing her, I'm finally dating Allison, my childhood friend and now my first ever girlfriend. I guess I could be happy because after all, I did have a crush on Allison until I met... her... well, she doesn't matter now because Allison and I have each other, and you know what? I love her and I've actually kind of forgotten Violet at this point, she now hangs out with her boyfriend and his friends and if she's happy, then I'm happy. I want to make Allison feel loved as she's a foster child, she's never really moved out of the area but all her parents that I liked and even the ones that I didn't like were gone within a year or two. We're now both 17 and to be honest, I love her more and more everyday, and I'm happy i'm with her. 

Anyway, a week after we started dating we made the news public to our little social group of friends and then Anthony, being the gossipy bitch he is spreads it around school and eventually Violet finds out about it and she meets me in the corridor and with those same charming and crystal clear eyes, looks at me, our eyes meet like they did the first time we met. This time I stopped it on purpose, I had no idea what I was doing! I had a girlfriend for fuck's sake! I looked down in complete embarrassment, collected my thoughts and then looked back up and was about to speak when Violet interjected "So Wes! I heard you were dating Allison, I just knew you two were going to work out!" she claps her hands and looks at me with a sweet, but friendly smile "You know, I'm really happy that you two are together, it makes me so happy to see Allison so happy, and of course, to see you happy." I look down and almost cry because at that moment, I had never loved Allison so much, and those nice and comforting words from Violet cushioned the landing after I had been dropped into the abyss known as dating. Those words that Violet shared with me made my insecurities of dating vanish away. Violet had a way with words so that she could always make me feel positive about something such as simple as punching a bully in the face, or as extreme as dating. Violet then took a step back and said "Well, I better get going to class now,  I've got physics with Mr Stansten and he hates it when people are late ya know?" I look down and mutter "heh... yeah... see ya" I then turn back and walk down the hall to English, where I meet up with Bradley and we discuss our favourite books. Although my mouth was doing the talking, my brain was thinking hardly about the decision I had made: Should have I said no to Allison's confession?

Another two weeks of boring classes and It was time for a short break. Although the break was only a week, I intended to enjoy and savour every bit of the week and what way would be better than going on a first date with Allison, I called her at 3:00 in the morning (like we always did, even before dating" we arranged a time, date and place. The place? none other than the most cliche date location ever! The movies, we figured it was already too late for hanging out after school, too early for the beach, and waaay too early for my place. The date was on Wednesday and it was currently Sunday so at least I had some time to prepare, the plan was to pick Allison up on my Suzuki (yes I have a Suzuki, it was the best 17th birthday present) and then take her to see a cheesy romantic movie and then take her to an ice cream parlour after. It was exciting but I couldn't find any clothes that really was my style because I put them all to the wash. I eventually found a shirt that had a giant X on it and paired that with some black jeans, this was a bit more edgier than i'm used too. I revved up my motorbike and got going to Allison's. I eventually picked her up and we sped down to the cinema because I spent such a long time picking out clothes. She was terrified of the journey there and almost crushed my rib cage into dust because of how tight she held me. 

We arrived at the cinema, bought snacks and got there just in time for the pre-movie trailers which was always so climactic because I got to see new movies coming out. The movie started and we just sat there and watched as we saw this super cheesy, clique couple love each other and go out on dates, the ending was quite good though, I don't like happy endings it just makes everything boring and leaves no room for questions. It ended up with the girl moving away to New York and they couldn't see each other anymore, the ending seemed strangely familiar, I think it reminded me of Violet, but it's probably because the ending was actually surprisingly sad, I had all these thoughts going through my head that I barely noticed that Allison was holding my hand and cuddling up to me. I regained my consciousness and looked into Allison's eyes and our faces moved in, closer and closer until our lips collided and we were lost in the moment, I forgot about everything, even the movie, I was just thinking of how lucky I was to be in love with her. I realised that I was looking at the wrong person the whole time. We went to the ice cream parlour and discussed the movie and how cheesy it was and how weirdly sad the ending of the movie was. After I had finished my cherry sundae and Allison had finished her chocolate sundae, I took her home, where our lips touched once more and, like a show, had left me wanting more.

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