The Beginning of the End

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This all started 2 days ago, but it truly started 4 months ago, do you understand? I hate explaining things. It was July, I can't tell you what day because, I simply don't remember. But I know it started with Homework. That's right, all of this started with Homework. I decided that I would blow off any homework that I was given by my Geography teacher, but I reflect on that and realise that I probably shouldn't have. I had already not handed in two homework assignments so this was going to be my third missed homework. Great. But thank fuck I didn't. (If you don't want to hear me complain, then just skip to later in the paragraph) I don't say "thank God" because I believe that God is bullshit, not to offend or discourage  anyone who does believe in him, but, why would I give my life and faith to some unproven deity which, if he is real, creates suffering, war, disease, death, pain and all of these other things that make life shit? I'm just saying, God's an asshole. Anyway, thank fuck I didn't hand in the homework on "The ripple effect" because If I did, I probably wouldn't have met Violet.

 Violet, if you didn't know who she was in the first place, Is the love of my life, the reason I go to school, the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I breathe, hell, she's even the reason i'm probably still alive, but she's also the one who ruined my life, who destroyed all of my friendships, the one who's fault this is. I still love her. Sorry, I went off on another tangent. You're probably sick of me already. Anyway, I was panicking, I didn't want a detention because I was going to the shops after school. I was sitting inside the Library, which was noisy since my school don't give a shit about library etiquette. I put my head down on the desk and just engulfed myself in a fantasy, I did this at school to help me keep calm and regain sanity. By the by, i'm still not mad. I felt a touch on my shoulder, I looked up and that's when my life changed for the good and the worst. She was like a fucking angel. My cheeks blushed a rosy red instantly. Her hair was dark brown, her eyes hazel, almost matching her hair, it was like a chasm of life and beauty, it reminded me of nature. Of course, i'm a boy, her face wasn't the only thing I was looking at, it's not weird, I'm sure everyone has appreciated someone's body in some way, shape or form. Her hips were curvy and legs, long and slender. The most catching thing about her was her glasses, I have to be honest, nothing makes me harder than a girl with glasses, the best part about glasses is that It magnifies the eyes, which are pools of life and beauty as I described it earlier. Basically, she was perfect to me, there is not a thing I would change on her, even her breast size (which by the way, breasts or "tits" are totally over-appreciated, whats so sexy about lumps?)

 "umm... are you ok? you look a bit upset" I panicked and propped myself up and woke myself up from the sleepy haze I was in "Me? oh, fantastic! Never been better!, A ok!" Looking back on this, I can see why I got punched all the fucking time. "Really? because you're in my new Geography class and you haven't done the homework two weeks in a row and judging by the blank piece of paper in front of you, you haven't done it again" I thought that she disapproved of this at the time but I wasn't paying attention, I was just looking into her eyes and thinking "Holy fuck." She walked over behind me, her slim legs made her walking into a majestic glide, she leaned over and started writing on the sheet of paper, I had a mini fucking aneurysm. Her smell wafted and Lingered over to me, it was sweet, like an elixir, I had never loved "Mixed Berries" so much than I did at that moment. "There you go, that's the homework, this is a one time thing, don't expect me to do this for you again." I nodded in wonderment and awe at how beautiful someone could be. From what I remember, I snapped back and said to her "Thank you so much! How can I pay you back?" she started laughing. It was a melody to my ears. "Well... I am craving some Pizza and chocolate right now, how about you buy me some and then take me to a shop after school? If you want to of course!" I looked into her eyes and we locked our gazes at each other. I did something so idiotic though, I broke the spell that we had and said "Yes! of course, I would be delighted!" she looked down and blushed and then looked up again "Really! I mean sure, here's my number so we can meet after school" she wrote the number on her hand and we just walked to class together. We sat next to each other in lesson and joked about how the teacher always said things that could be misunderstood. The funniest part was when she was assembling some sort of wind direction thing and she kept on grunting and saying "I just gotta put it in there, someone help me put it in the hole!" The laugh she made will never leave me. "I just realised, we don't even know each other's names , my name is Violet" she said to me smiling. "My name is Wesley, it's nice to be your acquaintance" she laughed in that same melodic voice as before "Wow, friend zoned! I usually give people nicknames, I'll call you Wes, would you like that?" she angelically said. Yes Violet, I love that. Oh yeah, Lunch time and after school was pretty fun too. I did buy her those things, but wasted all my bus money, of course I didn't tell her, I didn't want her to feel bad. I walked home in the pouring rain, which at this time, couldn't bring me down.                        

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