The Mistake

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I ran out of my house, screaming inside my mind. The moonlight splintered and fractured on the floor, thanks to the long, slim and fragile branches of a tree that had been stripped of all it's beauty and left to look like a dead, rotting husk. I stopped in my tracks and looked at that dead tree. How could I fuck things up so badly for the person who cares about me? How could I fuck things up for Trevor? I felt like I needed to be the stereotypical introvert and space out at probably the only place I feel relaxed at; The park, but if only I knew that today it wouldn't be the most relaxing place on earth, but a juxtaposition of it, the most stressful place. The walk to the park was calming, but also cold and icy, like the ice was stalking and at any moment it might finally feast, even my scarf and fur hood could stop the polar wind from whipping and stabbing my face. I finally arrived at the park and stared down at the lake and drowned not in the lake, but in my thoughts. I just wanted this day to end, no. Not end. I wanted it to reset so I could just let that selfish fuck talk to Violet, hell, he probably has a better shot of dating Violet than I ever will. I mean, think about it, he's the most masculine guy in the school for fuck's sake, he's strong, handsome, he has a way with the ladies, he is overall a better person than I could ever hope to be. 

The tears streaming down my face, warming up my frozen face. These weren't sad tears, these were angry tears, why couldn't I be like Corey? I hate everything, I hate myself, I hate Corey, I hate Trevor for yelling at me when he knew I had a rough day, I hate Violet for being so fucking adorable, but most of all I hate my parents for abandoning me, If they were alive, I would be a different person, "I would be Corey, I would be the ladies man, I would be attractive" and as the boa constrictor snake known as my thoughts choked me, my fists tensed up, my breathing got heavier and my mind became oblivious to outside distractions, this was bad considering what happened next...

I felt a tugging on my hood so as I turned around to see who It was, a giant fist sucker punches me and I go to the floor, bleeding from the nose. This sounds really predictable, but It was. It really was. It was Corey, he then pulled me up. "You deserved that, I'm not like the other popular kids who beat the living crap out of someone over having a boner over some girl" My mind went blank, I didn't understand what was happening, was he going to hurt me? Was he going to apologise? It took me a moment to get over the sudden shock of the punch and the dizziness of my head. "What do you mean?" Corey laughs and takes his hand off of my shoulder "I'm saying that I should've let you talk first since you were talking to her first, I know that you like her, I think that everyone knows that" The park echoed with silence, it was like the trees were screaming at me, telling me to get away. "Yeah, but I don't care, It's my uncle who cares, he might loose his job because his restaurant is owned by your dad, and he is threatening to fire him because of my actions!" Corey's apologetic face soon turned into a serious, angry face. "Listen, no need to get angry, I'm apologising for fuck's sake!" Corey shouts. He decides to square up to me and although his size intimidates him and my size makes him laugh I square up too, it was time to turn my pussy switch off. "It's not me you should be apologising to, it's my uncle!" He then clenches his fists "Why should I apologise to him?" My mind goes blank and I get fuelled with rage "Because your rat of a dad is threatening my uncle's career!" A streak of anger shoots down Corey's face as he grabs me and punches me, not stopping. Blood is drooling from my face now "Don't you ever call my fucking dad a rat again! You hear me?!" with all the strength I could muster, I said "It's funny... how you get offended by the truth... your dad will always be a fucking disgusting rat, and nothing, not even your pathetic punches can change that, you dip shit" I probably shouldn't have said that because I had no where else to run, my legs were quivering in fear and couldn't run a meter and I was laying down, crippled on the floor. "Why you little fuck!" Corey grabs me and pulls me up but I fight back, thrashing around and throwing as many punches as I could, all the while he was trying to hit me. We grabbed each other and threw each other around until it was us flailing around seeing who could get out of who's grip first. I managed to escape his iron grip, threw a punch at him and pushed him back, he tripped over something and hit his head on a pointed rock.

Blood dripped down the rock. Corey's blood. I had done a bad thing. I had done a really bad thing. I sat there in a state if terror, but also in awe of my strength. I needed to do something. my mind went blank, as I stared at the lifeless body...   

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