My first class/ Small talk

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I walked into class and asked the teacher where I sat. She looked at me as if I were dumb. I forgot this is high school.... She turned and waved her hand side to side. And said anywhere. I felt really dumb.

I walked slowly to the sit next to Callie. I paid no attention to the people in the class. I turned to Callie smiled and then looked to see who was sitting beside me..... IT WAS HIM. Gosh I am so dumb duh he was right outside the class what did I think he was just walking around.

The teacher is talking about expectations the usual first day stuff. But I could not focus I practically did a hit and run on the guy next to me. Well actually more like a hit, smile, wave, and then run. I was too embarrassed once again to pay attention. So I went to my idiot ways and looked at him. I already was taking small glances and also trying to see him through the corner of my eye. So I just turned my head and OH NO HE WAS LOOKING WHICH MEAN'T WE LOOKED AT EACH OTHER WHICH MEANS IM SCREWED. Completely screwed.

He looked confused. As if he was wondering why the heck I kept looking at him. I hurried up and put my head down to look at the sheet the teacher had passed out a while ago. I then looked up and the teacher was sitting down. So I decided to clear the awkwardness in the air by saying hi.

I turned my head.

Me: Hi

I did not say it awkwardly but with confidence if I were to create anymore I would pass out.

Alex: Hey

He did not say it awkwardly either. It made me have more confidant.

Me: I wanted to apologize for earlier. I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going.

Alex: Haha it's fine.

Fine. Fine is good.

Me: Okay haha.

Alex: So you weren't staring at me because of my massively good looks then huh.

My little brown face got a pink.

Me: Ha. Ha. Ha. No...... WAIT I mean I totally was not even staring.

Alex: HAHAHA okay whatever you say.

Ugh he's so annoying.

I looked over to Callie and smiled nervously she smiled back. I looked down at my paper. Ugh I won't make it. I turned to kick her chair with the tip of my foot. I mouthed .

Me: Helppppp meeee.

Callie: whaaaat ?!

So she's not that good at mouth reading. So I whispered.

Me: That's him.

I kinda did a little thing with my shoulder and then reenacted the accident with my hands. With a fist representing me and a high five as him. I could tell she got it then.


Me: Shhhhhhhh!!!!

I turned my head to look at him. He was smiling.... Oh no he did not see my reenactment right.

DING! Welp at least I kinda survived the first class.

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