Chapter 1

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        Raine POV

I walked out of the school and to the parking lot I got in my car and started driving home walking out of my car opened the door I walked in my house and my mom came downstairs with a wicked grin on her face I hate that stupid grin

She started stalking towards me I backed away but every time I backed away she came closer I backed away again but this time I hit a wall I tried to run away but she caught me grabbing me by my neck slamming my head against the wall

I started trembling and shaking In fear I knew what was going to happen It's happened ever since my dad died she beats me no one knows except Bella we've been friends since kindergarten

My mom throws me to the ground "you whore where were you?"

"at school" she pushes me and starts to kick me in the stomach


"I'm not lying I went to school!"

"Don't raise your voice at me or next time it'll be worse" she punches me one more time then leaves

I get up go to my room which is hard considering how much pain I'm in once I make it to my room I take a quick shower and do my homework then I get ready for work when I'm done getting ready I grab an apple and leave to work I catch a bus there since I faster than using my car to get there

I began walking to the bus stop which is not far from my house as soon as I get there the bus comes I made it just in time other wise I would be waiting a hours for another bus to come then I'll be late I can't afford to be late again then I'll lose my job

when I get there I clock in and start working I walk over to a table and begin to ask the man for his order

"hello sir what can I get you today?" I asked putting a fake smile on my face

"I'll have the cherry pie and a Chocolate shake"

"Will that be all"


"your order will be ready in 15 minutes"

"ok thank you"

I give the order to Tessa then wait I give the man his order then walk back to the cashier soon my shift is done and I walk back to the bus stop and wait for the bus

The bus finally arrives I sit down and wait for my stop before getting off the bus I walk in the house trying to be quiet so I don't wake my mom up I go upstairs change my clothes and go to sleep

**********The next day*****

I woke up took a shower I put my hair in a messy bun grabbing my keys, backpack, and phone I walked down the stairs get in my car and drive to school when I get there Bella runs to me screaming like she hasn't seen me in years knowing dam well she just saw me on Friday she launched herself in my arms making us both fall on the ground we look at each other and burst out laughing I stood up and helped bell up smiling

"hey  rainy"

"hey belly bell"

"Ugh! Why do you insist on call me that"

"I've been call you that since we were 5"

"I know and I still hate it"

"are you ok" Bell asked looking at me concerned

"yeah just a few bruises you know the usual"

"It shouldn't be the usual"

"I know but there's nothing I can do about it"

"promise me something"


"next time this happens that you'll call the police"

"I can't"

"why not"

"if I do she'll hurt me even more"

"then run away"

"but she'll find me she has friends in the police department who knows where I am at all times"

"not if you go out of the country"

"Fine.I'll try"

"thank you" she said hugging me like it's the last time she'll see me

We walked to class and I bumped into someone with dark stormy eyes he has lots of tattoos and he look intimidating his beautiful pink plump lips 

"I'm sorry"

"it's ok princess,what's your name?"


"pretty name for a pretty girl"

"what's your name" I said shocking myself that I even spoke to him the only person I talk to in school is bell


He stared at me then he touched my face and I yelped pain I hurried up and walked away before he could ask me what happened I didn't want him to get hurt knowing mom she'll find a way to hurt him like she did the other guy I liked that's why I don't date I walked in class sit down and did my work soon school was over I walked to my car opened it got in and  drove home

When I got home my mom was waiting there she punched me in the face then she lifted her foot up to kick me in the stomach a gasp escaped me from the impact she kept hitting me and she raised he had up to punch me blood was dripping down my face and I couldn't move my arm without it hurting then she stopped I couldn't take it anymore more something in me just snapped "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?"

She snapped her head towards me looking deadly as she repeatedly punched me anywhere she could hit when she finally finished she got up and walked in her room but I couldn't move to get up I tried but it hurt to back so I just stayed there and feel asleep

I woke up in pain I stood up wobbling to my room I stepped in the shower washed my face and hair I stepped out the shower put my towel on my hair and around me then I went in the closet to look for something to wear when I found my outfit I put my clothes on and went to the hospital they clean my wounds and gave me a cast I have a broken arm a broken rib and a busted lip they gave me stitches on my stomach

I drove home I got out the car and just stood there I was to afraid to walk in my house scared that my mom would be up I opened my door lucky she's not here I went to my room and feel asleep

Mafias princessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang