Chapter 22

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It's been a month since me and Damon went away for the weekend I'm at the doctor's office right now I found out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant I know what your thinking I have twin son's who are just one month old but by the time my baby is born my sons will be one I remember how I found out I was pregnant

Flashback: we were on the plane on our way home we stayed a few weeks extra I just got finished eating breakfast when all of a sudden I felt sick I ran to the bathroom and threw up my whole breakfast and now I'm hungry again, of course, Damon didn't even notice I was sick he was sleeping the whole time I layed down to go to sleep in hope that I'll feel better when I get home I fell asleep but didn't get to sleep long when I was woken up by Damon

"what" I groaned annoyed that he woke me up from my peaceful sleep

"were here" I nodded my head got out of bed and started to get up until I felt nauseous I ran to the bathroom and threw up again when I was done I washed my face and brushed my teeth

"are you ok princess" Damon asked with concern

"I'm fine It'll pass in a few days ok don't worry"

"fine but if your not better in 2 days I'm calling the doctor"


we went in the car and drove home I walked in the house I went upstairs and changed into one of Damon's shirts I walked downstairs looking for Damon I see him in the living room I start to walk there until I feel lightheaded Damon walks up to me "are you ok love"

"I'm fine" I start to walk but Imeditaly felt myself falling until Damon catches me

"were calling the doctor now" I snuggled myself more into Damon's arms and feel asleep I woke up to a doctor checking my vitals

"Mrs.raine it appears your pregnant"

"what" I said I can't be pregant my wedding is in a month I just got rid of my baby fat from the baby I just had a month ago how am I going to take care of 2 babies


"it'll be fine you have me to help you with the babies and besides your not fat and our wedding you'll look perfect no matter how big you'll look" I looked at him shocked angry and hurt

"are you calling me fat do I look fat is that what it is"

"no that's not what i'm saying I'm saying you'll look beautiful in anything"

"you look beautiful sexy stunning"

"I'm not even wearing the right clothes"

"your wearing my shirt and I'll take you right here to prove to you how beautiful you look"

"ok I'm sorry I'm just stressed out I can't handle another baby again"

"I know but you'll have me"

"yeah right you don't even help me when they cry at night or early in the mornign for that fact"

"but I'll help now and for the rest of our life"

"you promise"

"I promise"


End of Flashback

the doctor walked in the room "don't tell me something wrong with my baby"

"no everything fine it perfect here is your pictures you can leave whenever your ready"

"oh ok thank you, doctor,"

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