chapter 5

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I woke up with a massive head ache and I still don't know why I turn around and see Damon already staring at me he noticed my discomfort and frowned

"what's wrong baby"

"it's nothing I'm fine"

"you regret it don't you I knew we should of waited"

"no it's just I have a massive headache that won't go away"

"Ok here" he handed me some pain medicine

"thanks" I took the medicine looked at Damon who was frowning

"what's wrong"


"I know when your lying"

"it's nothing I'm fine"

"no your not you can tell me"

"I SAID I'M FINE" I turned away

"never mind" I got up put his shirt on that went down to my knees I slip on my panties and pulled the shirt back down

"wait I'm sorry princess"

I looked at him not saying anything and went downstairs to get something to eat after I was done I made our plates then sat down and started eat I heard Damon coming down the steps he sat next to me and started eating his food

Once I was done eating I washed my dishes and walked up stairs still giving Damon the silent treatment I took a shower and got dressed once I was done I started brush
my hair while I was doing my hair I heard foot steps I saw Damon through the mirror I ignored him and continued brushing my hair he pulled me against his chest and touched my face

"I'm sorry princess I was just stressed out but that isn't a good enough reason for me to yell at my love please forgive me"

"Fine but only because I love love you but I can't keep forgiving you" I said and turned around and finish brushing my hair

"I have something to tell you Princess"

"what is it"

"let's sit down"


"I want to tell you not to get mad or over think I was going to tell you"


"I'm in gang but I'm the mafia leader"

"what do you kill people"

"only people who deserve it but I would never hurt you"

"I don't know what to say"

"do you still love me"

"of course I do"

"then that's all that needs to be said" he pulled me into a kiss I wrapped my arms around his neck we pulled away

"your dad is coming he'll be here in 10 minutes"


"he has something to tell you"

"ok" he was right a few minutes later my dad knocked on the door

"Hey papà"(hey dad)

"ciao, dobbiamo parlare, sediamoci"(hi we need to talk let's sit)

"va bene"(okay)

"quando avevi 10 anni credevi che fossi morto, era tutto quello che facevano le tue madri, non mi avrebbe permesso di vederti, quindi ho cercato di ottenere la tua custodia, ma non ho vinto e poche settimane fa ho scoperto le percosse assoldato qualcuno per vegliare su di te in modo da non farti male e tua mamma lo ha ucciso tua madre ti vuole morto pensa che sia colpa tua se tuo fratello è morto ma lui non è morto è vivo io l'ho preso così lei non lo avrebbe trovato e ferito quando ha scoperto che è morto ti ha incolpato, ha detto che dovresti essere tu e non tuo fratello quando me ne sono andato ho pensato che ti stavo proteggendo, ma stavo solo facendo del male a te, tu devi stare con lui, può tenerti al sicuro da te mamma e così posso già dirti che era nella mafia quindi ora devo dirti che sono il capo di tutte le mafie tranne la sua che è più potente della mia"(when you were 10 you thought i died it was all your mothers doing she wouldn't let me see you so I tried to get full custody of you but I didn't win and a few weeks ago I found out about the beatings so I hired someone to watch over you so you wouldn't get hurt and your mom killed him your mom wants you dead she thinks it's your fault that your brother died but he didn't die he's alive I took him so she wouldn't find him and hurt him when she found out he died she blamed you she said it should of been you and not your brother when i left i thought I was protecting you but I was only hurting you look you have to stay with him he can keep you safe from your mom and so can i he already told you he was in the mafia so now i have to tell you I'm the head of all the mafias except his which is more powerful than mine)

"perchè non me l'hai detto?"(why didn't you tell me)

"Volevo ma mi vergognavo di non poterti proteggere e non avresti voluto avere niente a che fare con me, mi dispiace piovere"(i wanted to but i was ashamed I couldn't protect you and you wouldn't want anything to do with me I'm sorry rainy)

"non è colpa tua papà è mamma ma ti perdonerò comunque"(it's not your fault dad it's mom but I'll forgive you anyway)

"Papà ho conosciuto Ryder. Anche lui fa parte della tua banda(Dad I met Ryder.Is he part of your gang too"

"Che cosa! avrebbe dovuto mantenere le distanze. sì, fa parte della mia banda (What! he was supposed to keep his distance. yes he's apart of my gang)

"Dovrei andare avanti ma ti chiamo ti amo piove"(I should get going but I call you i love you rainy)

"Ti amo da papà ciao"(I love you to daddy bye)

he leaves Damon comes to sit next to me "how was your talk"

"it was fine"

"what's wrong"

"it's just"


"Should we be together"

"what do mean"

"one day your going to get tired of me and find someone else to love"

"no I won't"

"how do you know that cause it can happen then you won't like anything about me anymore"

"I can't see anything that I don't like about you"

"but you will and when you do you won't want me anymore"

"look I've never said this to anyone but I love you I'm crazy about you the way you smile the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh I love your laugh because it make everyone laugh I love you smile because when I'm stressed out it makes me smile an...

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"look I've never said this to anyone but I love you I'm crazy about you the way you smile the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh I love your laugh because it make everyone laugh I love you smile because when I'm stressed out it makes me smile and I won't be stressed anymore princess I promise I won't leave but I will make mistakes and that's ok because I love you and every relationship has it's ups and downs but I promise that I will love you til the day I die" tears are streaming down my face I look up at time with blury vision and smile

"I love you to" he smiles leans in kisses me aggressively

 "One day when the time comes I'm going to marry you and were going to have four kids 3 boys and one little girl ours sons will be very protective over their sister they won't let any guy come near or touch her"

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"One day when the time comes I'm going to marry you and were going to have four kids 3 boys and one little girl ours sons will be very protective over their sister they won't let any guy come near or touch her"

"you want to marry me"

"Yes but not yet"

"when the time comes don't forget to ask my dad first"

"I won't I love you Princess"

"I love you to"

Mafias princessWhere stories live. Discover now