Chapter 16

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It's been 5months since I was kidnapped Damon's been great we went out for ice cream yesterday now I'm getting ready for the day I get dressed then go in the twins room and get them dressed when I'm done I head downstairs and start cooking once I'm done we eat then I clean the mess I made When I'm finished I take the kids to school then I go back home when I'm home I'll find a letter addressed to me from Damon

Dear, Raine I'm sorry to do this to you but I have to leave for a while I don't know when I'll be back I can't tell you where and I cannot answer your call I'm so sorry to disappoint you please find it in your heart to forgive me please
Love, Damon

Once I read that I packed up all our stuff put it in the car then called my friend Bella she move to Italy a few days ago
"Bell it's me"

"what's wrong "

"Damon left me and I'm moving to Italy"

"oh that's great well except for the fact that he left you sorry"

"it's ok"

"do you need somewhere to stay"


"you can stay with me"

"thanks bell"

I hang up the phone pick Emmet and Ava up from school after that I talk to some people about moving my company to Italy it'll take a few weeks but it's worth it "mommy" Ava says


"where's daddy"

"he went out for a little while"


We drove to the airport and went to the jet I let the man take our luggage while I put the twins in their seats and buckle them up then I sat down and waited
The plane started to take off and the lady brought us food and drinks out after we ate I turned something on for the kids to watch I watched the clouds go by I start to feel sleepy I look over at the twins who are already sleep and I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me


I woke up to the sound of the captain saying we'll be here in five minutes once we landed our car was waiting for us they took our luggage then drove us to Bella's house we're staying there until I find a house for us
We get out of the car and knock on the door and wait the door opens Bella greets us with a warm smile

"hi Bell"

"hey how was your flight"

"it was great thanks for letting us stay here we'll only stay here until I find us a nice house to live in"

"ok" "do you know your dads here"

"no since when"

" he moved out here with the gang months ago I was as surprised as you were when I found out"

"I didn't even know where does he live"

"I don't know you could call him"

"I'll call him tomorrow"

"he doesn't know does he"

"no I was going to tell him but then I knew he was going to get mad so I didn't"

"you need to tell him rainy"

"ok I will"

"let me show you to your room then I'll take the twins to theirs"

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