Chapter 11

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I walked into the twins room and woke them up got them ready for school then I went downstairs to smell bacon I saw Damon cooking I could have sworn I saw him sleeping just a minute ago guess not the twins though weren't happy "what's he doing here mom" Ava said

" I invited him"


"don't question me go sit at the table and eat"

"yes mom"

Emmet on other hand was happy and went up to him "are you, my dad"

"yes I am"

"will you leave us again"

"no I won't"


"I promise"

"can we eat now"

"Ava be nice"

"ok are you still going to take me to my pratice"

"yes I will it's at 3"

"thanks, mommy" we all eat Emmet wouldn't let Damon put him down

"ok lets go, it's time for school"

"mommy is bell coming"

"yes she should be here any second now" Bella is their god mom my best friend she loves them she was mad at me for not telling her about Damon and forgeting about her but she forgave me there was a knock on the door I opened it

"hi bell"

"hey Rainy where are my favorite 2 monsters" they both ran into her arms

"bell!! I knew you come and take me away from him"

"Ava" I said in a warning tone"


"go get you and your brother's bags for school"

"ok momma" she goes gets her bags I kiss both of them goodbye when they leave with Bella

I felt a hand wrap around my waist "hey"

"are you ok" I asked

"yeah I'm fine Ava hates me"

"no she doesn't she just needs time"


"I have to get ready"

"what for"

"Ava has practice after school"

"what does she do"

"ballet, gymnastics, and karate"


"yeah I have to hurry up"

"why she just left"

"you'll see when I get out" I went to the bathroom and got ready

"you'll see when I get out" I went to the bathroom and got ready

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