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Ballora stuffed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie as she walked down the street. She had told Baby she was coming over later, and it was now later.

She was planning on driving, but she decided to walk instead. Maybe it was because whenever she went somewhere with Baby they walked since the shorter girl always said that unlike Ennard, she knew she was a bad driver and was doing the world a favor by walking instead.

It was slowly becoming habit.

Ballora was nearly there. She could already see the faded red vinyl siding and dented garage door of the Jones house.

Then she reached the driveway.

She was nearly at the front door when a voice called out to her.

"Hey Bal, up here!"

Ballora backed up a little and looked up at the roof. She was greeted by Baby, who was sitting on the roof near her bedroom window. She hadn't noticed her there because her red hoodie blended into the vinyl siding and her black jeans blended into the roof tiles.

"Oh, hey!"

"C'mon on up! I pretty sure Ennard forgot to lock the front door when he left!"

"Alright!" Ballora walked up to the front door, which as predicted, was left unlocked. She went inside and made sure the door was actually locked this time. She ascended the stairs and went to Baby's room, climbing out her bedroom window to join her without second thought.

"I have arrived."

"Hell yeah, make yourself comfortable. Though that might be hard because you're about to sit on some cold ass roof tiles."

Ballora laughed. "Wow. Y'know I didn't even see you up here. Your clothes made you blend into the colors of the house."

"Yeah, I dressed like this on purpose so the old guy that lives across from us doesn't come over here and yell at me. I'm kinda camouflaged."

"Oh. Well, I don't want to ruin your camouflage with my bright white shirt and blue hair."

"Eh, you're fine. He left like five minutes ago to go to the strip club or bingo or whatever the fuck it is he does. Besides, even if your shirt and your hair do ruin the camouflage, they're nice as fuck so it makes up for it."

Ballora laughed slightly. "Thanks. The shirt is old and I should probably re-dye my hair soon since my roots are really showing."


Ballora wrapped her arms around the smaller girl and kissed her on the cheek.

"Noooo Bal, stop! That's so gay!"

"Well, I'm pretty gay~"

Ballora grabbed the redhead's face and gently pulled her into a kiss.

Baby wrapped her arms around the other girl's waist and pulled her closer.

Even though they were already really damn close.

And the fact that they were on a roof totally didn't make it awkward at all.

But as soon as things started getting heated someone walked into Baby's room and saw the two girls out the window.

"Hey Scar- oh, hi Bailey! I didn't know you were here!"

Please, welcome Mrs. Jones! Cockblock extraordinaire!

The two quickly broke apart.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Jones!"

"I didn't know you two girls were having a little roof party!" Mrs. Jones yelled, climbing out the window and joining them on the roof, sitting right the fuck in between them.

"Oh damn! These roof tiles are turning my butt into an assicle!"

Ballora stifled a laugh as Baby just kinda pulled her beanie down over her face.

"I can't stay for long, I just wanted to let you know that your father and I going to the casino to burn some cash. And then after that we're going to get a hotel room so we can we have so alone time~"

"Mom, please-"

"And then in the morning, I'm going to force your father to go thong shopping with me against his will. I could buy normal underwear but it's hard to find a pair that doesn't cut my butt into three butts-"

"Mom! Too much information!"

"Yeah, well, anyways, we're not going to be here for a little while. And since your brother is spending the night at a friend's house, that means you're going to be home alone. Unless Bailey stays over of course." She said, putting her arm around the french girl's shoulder. "But y'know, just try not to set the stove on fire, don't have parties unless you can be quiet enough to not get the fuzz called, don't do weed unless it's the good stuff, if you order pizza don't invite the pizza guy inside, don't try to do parkour in the house, don't let wild animals inside, don't break holes in the wall, don't use water guns inside, don't stick markers up your nose, don't poop on the floor, don't challenge the neighbors to fights, and no fireworks."

"How come I don't get a chance to be irresponsible with fireworks when Ennard was the one who decided to stick a sparkler up his ass and light it when he was home alone?"

"Sorry, I can't hear you!" Mrs. Jones yelled as she clumsily climbed back through the window. "We'll see you tomorrow!"

"Alright, bye I guess?"

Baby's mom closed the door as she left the room.

"Wow, don't think my parents have ever given me a list of things not to do quite that long before."

"Welcome to my family. And in my defense, most of those rules were set by Ennard, not me."

"Which ones did you set?"

"Uhhhh... the stove one, the party one, the parkour one, and the one about challenging neighbors to fights." Baby counted along her fingers. "So... four I guess."

Ballora raised one of her ridiculously perfect eyebrows in question."So Ennard set the don't poop on the floor on floor one...?"

Baby choked a little."Oh lord no. That one is from when we had a dog. My mom just never removed it from her little speech thing."

"Ohhhhhh, alright. That makes more sense."

"Wanna go back inside now that we have the whole place to ourselves?"


"Okay, cool." Baby did a completely unnecessary swan dive back through her window, landing on the floor.

Ballora laughed and followed after her, climbing back through in a more normal manner. She crouched down next to her girlfriend, who was still lying on the floor. "Smooth, babe. You okay?"

"No- wait, did you just call me babe???"

"Yeah, I mean, it's not that far off of your normal nickname is it?" The bluenette shrugged, kissing Baby on the nose before standing back up.

Baby covered her face with her hands. "AHHHHHH WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?"

"Cause you're cute when you blush."

"I am not!"

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