How you meet... (cast)

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-You were sitting at a table in the food court at the mall with you're friends
-"Dude, just go talk to her!"
-You see a group of boys pushing someone over to you're table
-"Jack, that's my elbow!"
-Is honestly so scared
-Doesn't know what to do with his hands
-"Um... hey?"

-You we're sitting at a picnic table with you're friends
-You see him staring at you
-Is confident af
-Literally just sits down and starts talking
-"So do you like cheese?"

-You were sitting on a bench by the skate park watching random people fail at doing tricks
-He walked up to you and asked if you wanted to try
-"Yeah, you, come on."
-Is super nice
-He taught you some tricks and helped you up whenever you fell (which was a lot)
-"I'm Jack, by the way."
You smiled

-You we're in line in at lemonade booth at a carnival
-Right before you were about to order he bumped into you and you dropped all your cash
-Feels really bad
-"Let me help you with that!"
-Buys you a lemonade
-You two hang out the rest of the evening
-You're friends are jealous

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