Driving with them... (cast)

476 13 5

-Is actually a really good driver
-Definitely the best of the group
-Responsible bean
-Obeys the sIgNs like the good child that he is

-sPeEdY mUcH
-Blasts music like there's no tomorrow
-Sings along
-You think it's adorable
-Brags about the fact that's he got his licence before you
-"Hahah I got my drivers license before you!"
  "You also failed you're learners the first two times."
   "...we don't speak of that."

-It's almost like he's trying to make figure eights on the road
-Cannot drive in a straight line for his life
-"Jack! It's not that hard to stay in ONE FREAKING LANE"
  "ScUsE me but you're not the one driving so back off."


it preferences Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang