Going camping together... (losers)

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-Is actually really good at it
-Used to do it all the time with Georgie
-Helps you make a fire after you sat there for 50 minutes rubbing sticks together

-Is actually terrible
-Won't take anything seriously
-Chases you around with giant pieces
of wood he found
-Pretends to be a bear and scares you

-Does not want to go with you
-You tell him you'll just go with Bill
-He gets jealous and goes with you
-Thinks every plant is poison ivy
-Gets really scared whenever he hears any noise
-"Y/N!!! ITS A BEAR!!!"

-Tries to make a fire
-Doesn't even know how
-"Stan... that's a piece of plastic and a stick... that won't make fire..."
"It won't???"
-Just doesn't understand
-You guys just end up going home because you couldn't figure out how to set up the tent

it preferences Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon