When the power goes out... (losers)

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-Tries to act tough
-Is actually scared half to death
-Super shaky hands
-"D-d-don't w-w-worry y-y/n. I-it's just a p-p-power o-outage."
"I'm not the one physically shaking, Bill"
-You guys end up cuddling in a corner with 500, 000, 000 blankets

-Doesn't give a crap
-Is actually a pain in the ass
-Won't do anything you ask him to
-"Richie, grab that candle stick for me please."
"Make me."
"Richie plea-"
*runs away with all the candle sticks*
"Well that worked out nicely."

-Freaks our at first
-You tell him there's nothing to worry about
-Is actually really helpful once he's calmed down
-Tries to find a way to fix it
-After he fails at that he starts looking for stuff to light the house up with
-"Do you have candles?"
"I'm not a 60 year old woman."
"Sorry I must have mistaken you for my mother"
"Oh, okay. Wait... ScUsE mE mIsTeR"

-Is scared af
-Doesn't even try to hide it
-In fact he hides
-In a corner
-With blankets
-And pillows
-And anything else he can find
-"Uhhh Stan?"
"Umm, this might be a weird question but... what are you doing?"
"May I ask from what?"
"The world."
"Don't judge y/n. It's not very nice."

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