Going camping together... (cast)

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-Isn't bad but at the same time isn't good
-Doesn't know how to work a flashlight
-Ends up temporarily blinding you with it
-Somehow manages to set up the tent perfectly

-Is practically Richie
-Makes dirty jokes the whole time
-Starts talking and will not stop
-Wanders off and you have to go find him
-Laughs at everything even if it's not funny
-You seriously think he's high

-Is surprisingly a master at it
-Know exactly what to do
-Is freaking Bear Grylls

-Honestly has no clue what to do
-Thinks the sleeping bags are tents
-"y/n... why is the tent so small?"
"Umm... that's not the tent..."
-Brings portable video games
-Brings lots of junk food
-You guys get high off of sugar

Ughhhh... I need ideas!!! Always feel free to request...💕

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