Hanging out together... (cast)

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-Watch anime together
-Is always really nice
-Always have fun no matter what you're  doing
-Go to the dollar store and buy a whole bunch of useless crap because why not

-Making skits
-Lots of inside jokes
-Laughing the whole time
-Randomly walking places together
-Getting lost
-Having to call Jaeden so he can come and find you guys

-Skateboarding everywhere
-Getting annoyed with each other
-Insulting each other
-Making lots of jokes
-Him laughing so hard that he falls to the ground and starts hyperventilating

-Lots of livestreams
-Making fun of each other
-Playing with his hair
-Calling him names
-Him trying to do you're hair
-You ending up having to cut it because it got so knotted

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