Chapter 2

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John knocked on Alice's door gently,and peeked his head through

"Hey do you want a cuppa?" He asked Alice,who was drying her hair after coming out of the shower

"Sure.I'll be out in a sec" She smiled briefly at John and continued drying her locks

John left her to go make some tea,and after he was done,Alice emerged and took a few sips from her cup that John had passed her,giving a few glances at Sherlock who had now shifted positions.Slightly.

Alice took another quick sip if her tea and jumped out of her seat

"Well I'm off. I'll be back around 9ish" She slipped on her coat and opened the door

"Where are you going" Sherlock asked,in a deep silky voice

"Oh.You're taking an interest now are you? If you must now I'm going to meet my boyfriend,not that you care" Alice spat,straightening her coat

"Well I asked,didn't I? Surely that means I'm taking somewhat of an interest" Sherlock furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Alice

"Hm. Funny,cos I thought I was just "an ordinary girl who just happens to be living with you for the time being. And I'm nothing more" Alice was becoming red in the face,frustrated yet hurt

"You shouldn't eavesdrop you know"Sherlock remarked

"Well your loud,obnoxious voice is kinda hard to miss!" Alice spat

"Ooh,someone's fiesty. Trouble in paradise? Come to think of it,why don't you live with your boyfriend? Surely he doesn't approve of you living with two males?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow,waiting for Alice's answer

"Fuck off. Dickhead!" Alice slammed the door and ran down the stairs

"Sherlock!" John shouted,infuriated

"John!What is it? Disappointed that she's got a boyfriend?" Sherlock resumed his calm,steepling position

"What the hell has gotten into you?" John took his cup of tea and walked off to his bedroom

A few hours later

Alice fumbled with her key,trying to jam it into the keyhole,and she pushed the door open

"Shhh" She whispered "I think they're sleeping" She wrapped her arms around the mans neck and they both leaned in,arms and legs cascaded around each other

"Hello Alice!" Sherlock interrupted,in an obviously fake high pitched voice.Alice blushed furiously and cleared her throat

"Um,Sherlock,this is Mason.Mason,Sherlock" Alice awkwardly looked at the ground and played with a loose thread on her cardigan

"Hi.Alice tells me your roommates" Mason extended his hand out for Sherlock to shake. Sherlock stared at his hand and ignored his gesture,making his way to his violin

"Obviously" He muttered plucking the strings.Alice shot a death glare on Sherlocks direction,but he simply ignored it

"Ok well,I best be off. It was nice meeting you. Sherlock..." He pecked Alice on the cheek and left the flat

"God I didn't know you could be that charming" Alice remarked towards Sherlock, sarcastically.She threw off her coat and collapsed on the sofa,exhausted

"Long night?" Sherlock asked,cocking his head slightly to the side

"Oh shut up"Alice said,but a slight smile escaped her lips "Where's John?"

"Sleeping.Tedious task" Sherlock sighed,playing a simple tune in his violin.He closed his eyes and began playing a beautiful melody,but he stopped half way through to jot something down on his music sheet

"I used to play. A long time ago. I don't know why I stopped" Alice smiled at the memory and Sherlock glanced at her

"Really? You? Used to play?" He seemed surprised that they shared something in common but Alice looked slightly offended

"Hey! Don't look so surprised!" She laughed and Sherlock smiled at this. She had a beautiful smile,her whole face seemed to light up,and he felt glad that he was the one to make her smile

"Look.I'm sorry about...earlier. I didnt,I didnt---" Sherlock stuttered,trying to find the right words to make up for his behaviour

"Its fine. I'm over it. Honestly I'm too tired to fight with you right now" She got up from the sofa and walked over to Sherlock,placing a hand on his arm "Goodnight,Sherlock" She said and walked off towards her bedroom

"Goodnight,Alice" He whispered,returning to his music

A/N: Chapter 2!!! How do you guys feel about Mason? And also Alice? Do you like them? Let me know x

Vote,Comment and all that jazz~Ashely x

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