Chapter 13

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Alice strained her eyes open but winced when the bright light became too much for her to handle

"Sherlock?" Alice whispered been opening her eyes fully and realising where she was

It all came flooding back to her. Mycrofts guards,Sherlock,the arguments and the drug... He had drugged her... HE HAD DRUGGED HER?!? She relived the moment as the needle stabbed into her neck,then her collapsing,the feel of Sherlocks arms around her as he picked her IP and carried her away

"Its for your own protection" He'd said

Alice became furious and began to stand but she quickly became light headed and fell yo yo he ground. Once she's regained her strength, she pushed herself up and observed the room around her

There was a dim lamp which sat on top if a small,grey bedside table,and a single bed with white sheets. That was it. There was nothing else. Alice began walking cautiously towards the door when a small hatch opened and revealed Mycroft peering through

"Good evening" Mycroft said

"Excuse me?" Alice was stunned and she shook her head before screaming "MYCROFT WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!? LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!" Alice began thumping at the door with her bare hands

"This is protection. Moriarty is after you. Alice,he won't hesitate to kill you if he finds you. Do you know that?" Mycroft sighed

"So... it is Moriarty?" Alice gulped,failing to hide her fear. Mycroft nodded

"Sherlock is on the case. This is only temporary Tull we found a way to stop him. Believe me,I don't like this any more than you do" Mycroft said,

"You can't... You can't just lock me away in a cell!" Alice yelled. Her face was becoming red and she was getting even more infuriated

"I'm afraid we can" Mycroft contradicted as he shrugged slightly, well aware of his power "It is for your own protection after all"

"I can protect myself! I'm sure Sherlock has informed you of my job? I deal with this stuff in a daily basis. I'm not weak!"Alice hissed

"I have no doubt that you can protect yourself,but my brother insisted on you staying here. God knows what he'd do if I let you go" Mycroft rolled his eyes

Alice felt a sudden wash of guilt. Sherlock was trying to save her from harm,and she sort of liked how protective he was of her. However, that didn't mean she wasn't still pissed at the whole situation

"Where is he? Sherlock, I mean" Alice asked,lowering her tone

"Paris" Mycroft stated

"What?" Alice cried in surprise "Why the hell is Sherlock in Paris?"

"He believes he has a lead on Moriarty. He thinks that's where he's hiding out"

"Wait a minute. If Moriarty is all the way in Paris,then why the hell am I locked up in a cell? It'd not like he's anywhere close!" Alice yelled,infuriated

"Moriarty doesn't do his own dirty work. He's far too...classy for that" Mycroft said,choosing his words carefully

He sure did his own dirty work when he cut me with a knife in the warehouse! Alice though

"Yeah,I guess you're right" Alice nodded,because even if Moriarty did try to kill her himself, he was far too clever to think that he could beat her in combat. Moriarty has been tracking her,of course he knew her abilities

"Of course I am. Now Goodnight,Alice" and before she could reply,Mycroft close the hatch and locked it from the outside

"Paris,huh?" I've always wanted to to there" Alice smirked to herself ad she began planning her escape. After all, Sherlock was going to need all the help he could get

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this quick little chapter. I wrote it in school when I was bored XD

I have SO many more ideas for this fanfic so stick around because things are about to get hottt in here

Remember to...

Vote, Comment and all that jazz ~ Ashley xxx

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