Chapter 8

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"She's been gone 2 days,Sherlock. How can I not worry about her" John impatiently tapped his foot

"Oh she's probably made up with Jehovah's Witness. She'll be fine!" Sherlock mumbled, walking over to the window were he picked up his violin

John silently chuckled at Sherlocks nickname for Mason,but he soon covered it up with an angry yell

"Sherlock, this is serious! She's could be in danger!"

"Then that's her problem!" Sherlock snapped,carefully placing his violin on its stand before slipping in his coat "Come on,I need to go to the morgue"

Sherlock wasn't bothered by Alice's absent,as he knew that she was probably in safe hands,and if she did come back, she wouldn't want any company

John sighed but followed none the less,grabbing his a leather jacket from his chair

Sherlock was examining a corpse,making swift deductions as he went

"Need anything?" Asked Molly,straightening out her lab coat

"Mmnope" mumbled Sherlock, whipping out his compact magnifying glass and hearing his phone buzz at the same time "John,get my phone out of my pocket. Its...buzzing"

"No chance" John chuckled,his interest with a skull that looked just like the one Sherlock used to keep on his mantelpiece

Sherlock huffed before tucking away his glass and fishing out his phone to look at the text

Come and play,Alice is about to drop off to wonderland ~JM

Sherlock re read the message intently before running out of the morgue,leaving John to catch up with him

"Sherlock! What's wrong?" John yelled, a corerned tone to his voice

"He's got her!" Sherlock yelled without turning back to look back

"Who has? Who's got her?" John was still running,he adrenaline rush kicking in

Sherlock stopped abruptly,and his slightly dilated eyes made contact with John's concerned ones.


Sherlock was impatiently tapping his foot and biting his lip in the flat of 221b Baker Street. Jon's sighed and stood up out if his chair

"We can't just sit here! We should be out there looking for her" John flung Hus arms into the air and pinched the bridge of his nose

"I've got nothing to go on,John!" Sherlock yelled. It had been twenty minutes since he got that text,and Sherlock was becoming agitated. Anything could be happening to Alice in the at this moment,especially in the hands of Moriarty

"Well,he must've given you a clue! What about the text?" John asked,trying to be of some help

Sherlock whipped out his phone and bought up the text,shoving the phone in Johns face

"Look! You don't think I've checked that? There are no clues John!" Sherlock took a breath and closed his eyes,but no before a leaflet that was sitting on the coffee table caught his eye

Come along to this years Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park

"Wonderland! John that's where she is! Ugh how could I've been so stupid!" Sherlock had put on his coat and began to run out of the door before John had a chance to reply

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