Chapter 9

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For Sherlock,the adrenaline rush kicked in immediately and he dragged Alice along with him at full speed. But Alice had just be drugged,kidnapped,tied down and cut so she wasn't in the best shape

Alice was slagging behind Sherlock and there wasn't much time left. Sherlock looked at Alice for a second before shrugging and carrying her bridal style,catching her just before she fainted with exhaustion

Alice's long blonde locks fell down over Sherlocks tense arms that were carrying her,causing his muscles to flex and become accentuated

The two of them were out of the building,and were now trying to get as far away from the bomb as possible.Luckily the warehouse was a few miles away from the Winter Wonderland,and judging by Sherlocks bomb recognition knowledge,it wouldn't do much harm. Moriarty had mainly placed it there to scare them,not to kill them

"Alice! Alice stay with me" Sherlock was far away enough from the bomb now,and he lay Alice on the ground,just as the bomb went off in the distance, causing the ground to shake,and waking Alice from unconsciousness

"Sherlock!" Alice eyes bolted open and she sat up straight,automatically moving her free legs and tracing her mouth to feel for a cloth. She panted in exhaustion,gripping Sherlocks shirt for both balance and protection "Where is he?" Alice scanned the park,looking for Moriarty,but was obviously unsuccessful

"Alice! Alice look at me!" Sherlock lifted Alice's drooping head up by her chin,causing her to look him in the eye "Moriarty is gone. He won't take you again,I promise" Alice nodded,but soon collapsed into Sherlocks chest. Unsure of what to do,Sherlock sympathetically patted her back awkwardly, before sighing silently and wrapping his arms around her,making her feel safe and protected as she was cocooned in his body

"We should go" Sherlock said,coaxing Alice to her shaky feet "The police will have a lot of questions, and, I do not want to be seen in that hideous orange shock blanket again!" Alice giggled and sniffled,regaining her strength slightly and walking side by side with Sherlock

Alice stumbles as she made her way through the door,causing Sherlock react and reach his arms out to catch her,but she smiled and laughed a little

"Sherlock,I'm fine. You don't need to fuss over me alright?" Alice shrugged, making her way slowly to the sofa.

She has bruises all over her body from before,and now they were beginning to show are hurt. She winced as she sat down,not bothering to hide her pain

" what do you need?" Sherlocks head turned furiously,trying to be of some help to her

"Actually,I think I'm gonna go to bed" Alice sighed,realising she should've just gone straight there. It would be more painful to get up off the sofa then it was sitting down

"Let me help you" Sherlock rushed to Alice's side, moving one of her arms around his shoulder and wrapping one awkwardly around her waist to support her

The two made their way to Alice's bedroom,Alice still wincing slightly as she walked

"I'm sorry" Sherlock quickly said before Alice could disappear into her bedroom

"For what" Alice furrowed her eyebrows,confused at Sherlocks apology

"For Moriarty. For letting him take you. But also for just being a..."

"A dickhead?" Alice provided,laughing at the end and causing Sherlock to smile "Well we had a nice shopping trip didn't we? You weren't a dickhead then. Actually you were quite nice company" Alice said matter of factly,before hobbling into her bedroom and shutting the door,leaving Sherlock to stand there blushing at her remark

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