Chapter 5

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"Wow. What a night eh?" John panted as he closed the door to 221b

"John! Oh my what happened?" Alice squealed excitedly before jumping up and running towards John "Aw,was it Sarah?"

"What? No! No no nothing like that Alice! It was the case,it was quite thrilling!" John sat in his arm chair and leaned back,looking over at Sherlock who just entered "We wouldn't have minded if you carried on helping us,right Sherlock?"

"Um,yes. Sure" Sherlock answered absentmindedly, whilst walking towards the kitchen

"I don't know. It'd hard to keep up with that one when he's always insulting you!" Alice laughed. She'd grown used to Sherlocks insults,realising that it was just in his nature

"Well its not my fault that your so stupid!" Sherlock hissed at her,grabbing the empty carton if milk from the fridge

"John we're out of milk!" Sherlock whined

"Well go and bloody get some then!" John yelled

"No" Sherlock answered simply,which seemed to really irritate John

"Oh I'll get it,seeing as your too incapable of doing it!" Alice said,grabbing her keys from the coffee table and slipping on her coat. She looked in the mirror,messing up her hair a little and touching up her lip gloss. She the tilted her head and unbuttoned another of her shirt buttons,receiving an unimpressed wince from Sherlock,before heading out the door

"Hey!" Sherlock called after her as he ran out the door "I am perfectly capable of getting the milk!"

Alice hadn't heard Sherlock and was frustratingly texting someone, sighing before holding the phone up to her ear

"Pick up!" She muttered "Ok I don't know who you are,but I need to meet you. You could be playing me for all I know. I don't do anonymous clients" Alice spoke down the phone,leaving a message as no one had picked up. Alice tapped her foot impatiently before giving up trying to call and carrying on her way to the shops

Sherlock had been close behind, listening to her ever word before lightly tapping her on the shoulder causing Alice to whip around a twist his arm into a Chinese burn in one swift move. Sherlock winced and smiled angrily

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Sherlock" Alice apologised quite flustered "I didn't know it was you!" Alice released her grip on Sherlocks arm

"Its ok" Sherlock cleared his throat and changed the subject "Who were you on the phone to?"

"No one of your business!" Alice said defensively as she laughed at Sherlocks straight forwardness

"You said clients which implies your self employed. I though you said you worked at the library?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow suspiciously and Alice blushed

"I said its none of your business. Stay out of it ok?" Alice straightened her coat,causing her to show more cleavage than necessary, and walked ahead of Sherlock,who didn't like her being ahead of him,causing him to quicken his pace

"Are you trying to race me? How immature" Alice said

"Afraid you'll lose?" Sherlock teased,moving into a fast jog

"Ha! As if" Alice sped off down the road,her heels clicking behind her, leaving Sherlock to try to catch up with her

"You're a fast runner" Sherlock panted,leaning against the wall outside the shop

"Don't sound so surprised" Alice laughed,catching her breath before quickly paying for the milk she came to collect,and meeting Sherlock outside again

Sherlock found himself studying Alice once more as she strolled along beside him,clutching the shopping bag. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about her. Something about her that gave off a weird vibe...but what? Everything about her was perfect. Her hair,her face,her clothes,her makeup,her body... Sherlock shook his head and adverted his gaze,staring at the road ahead,but a thought stuck in Sherlocks head and he needed to get it out

"Alice" Sherlock grabbed her shoulders and faced her towards him "I know what your up too"

"What?" Alice blushed furiously,causing Sherlock to be even more suspicious of her "What do you mean?" Alice tucked a lock of her blond hair behind her ear

"Your self employed...And where else would you've got the money for designer clothes from? You said you worked in a library and they don't pay that well" Sherlock sighed,seeing the confused expression on Alice's face "Its ok, Alice. I understand. You turn the heads of every man who walks down the street.You need the money. A pretty woman like you,its not hard to get into the business of prost--" Alice interrupted Sherlock with a hard slap across his face,causing it to sting

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU REALLY THINK THAT I WOULD SELL MYSELF LIKE THAT? YOU DISGUST ME! YOUR A VILE PERSON,DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!" Tears were running down Alice's face as she slapped Sherlocks other cheek before running away from him

Sherlock was stunned. Surely he was right. He was never wrong. The way she was always leaving late in the evening,the way she always unbuttoned her shirt further before leaving the flat,the way she said implied she was self employed? He had to right. There was no other explanation. Unless there was...

Sherlock began running after Alice,but she was too fast. Why was she so bloody fast! He slowed down and started to regret what he had accused Alice of. But he wasn't completely wrong. Even if it wasn't what he thought,there was something about her that was off. Something she was telling anyone about...

When Sherlock had gotten to the flat,Alice was half way through her packing. Sherlock sighed and John started bombarding him with questions

"NOT NOW JOHN! Please!" Sherlock yelled before calming down

"Fix this. Now!Whatever happened between you two needs to be fixed. Apologise,whatever. I don't care. Just fix it" John stated before returning to his armchair and working on his blog

Sherlock nodded and walked over to Alice's bedroom door,knocking quietly

"Please go away,John. I'm really not in the mood!" Alice yelled but Sherlock didn't reply. He only knocked again

"I said go aw--" Alice stopped when she saw Sherlock at the door, but all the anger and hurt came flooding back and she slammed the door back in his face muttering verbal abuse at him

Sherlock sighed and entered her room anyway,leaning against it so that she couldn't leave

"I'm sorry" Sherlock sighed "I just assumed that--"

"Yeah,you just 'assumed' that I was selling my body for money, that I needed someway of affording a flat and designer clothes.You just 'assumed'" Alice raised her voice

"I'm am sorry,Alice. But we both know that I'm not completely wrong,am I?" Sherlock edged closer to Alice and she moved back

"What the hell are you on about?" Alice shouted

"Oh come on,Alice. Let's not play games. Did you really think you could fool me?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow and laughed to himself

"Fool you? About what?" Alice kept on moving backwards,slightly frightened of Sherlock

"My brother sent you. This was Mycroft wasn't it? Trying to keep an eye on me" Sherlock placed a reassuring hand on Alice's shoulder and she left out a sigh of relief

"How did you know?" Alice laughed to herself

"I always know. And Alice...please forgive me?" Sherlock pleaded,which was a first for him

"Of course I forgive you Sherlock" Alice smiled sweetly and pushed Sherlock out if her room "Now leave" She laughed

"Goodnight Alice" Sherlock pecked her in the cheek quickly,still feeling guilty for his actions,and he quickly walk away

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