Chapter 16

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  Alice's fingers traced over the black doorknob that ,when opened,lead upstairs. She hadn't left the basement in the week she'd been locked away. He would bring her food and water,and anything else she wanted (she didn't ask for anything though), but she refused to leave.

Moriarty could've forced her upstair,or anywhere else he wanted her to go for that matter, but he hadn't. He gave her a choice. She was free to move around the house at any time

Alice was scared. More scared than she'd ever been. She was an assassin for god sake,and she was scared. Terrified. And every time she closed her eyes,she thought of Sherlock and his grand entrance. How he would shout her name and run over to her,scoop her up and hold her close till they got home,but not after he killed Moriarty

Alice had replayed it over and over in her head, but when she opened her eyes she was returned to the dark, isolated basement

But Alice had to be brave. She told herself that Sherlock wasn't coming. A week of waiting and nothing. She didn't blame him. He had nothing to go on,and she would have to do this herself. She grabbed the doorknob firmly and twisted it till it clicked.  She then pushed the door at arm length and cautiously placed one foot outside the door.

A hallway. The door of the basement was in the middle of a long hallway with options to go either left or right. The wallpaper of the house was a deep maroon with golden embellishments and Victorian style lamps hooked to the wall. Alice turned right. It seemed the logical option,but then she turned left because she wanted to escape,and judging by the structure of the house,the basement would be closer to the the front of the house than the back

She padded along slowly,stopping every few seconds till eventually she reached a staircase. It was one of those mansion style staircases that went up from both sides and met at the middle. And then she saw him. Arms spread across the wooden banister at the top,looking over her in a superior manor. Moriarty.

"Hello there" Moriarty said without a smile or smirk or grin "What are you doing wandering around at this time"

Alice whipped her head back and forth,looking for somewhere to run until her feet starting moving faster than her head. She ran down a hallway which looked exactly the same as the last one she'd been down, but she didn't stop. She could hear him behind her getting closer. Closer. Closer...

Moriarty grabbed her wrist and spun her around so that her face went flying into his chest. Alice struggled but soon realised she wasn't going anywhere due to Moriarty strong,firm grip

"Shhh,shhh" Moriarty hushed as he stroked Alice's hair after hearing her muffled sobs. He keep one firm grip on her wrist and the other on her hair "It'll be okay"

Alice tried to release Moriarty's grip on her wrist but he was too strong,and when she tried to edge away from his chest,he pushed her closer

"Let go of me" Alice stated

"Oh,but you might run off again" Moriarty tutted as he shook his head

"You can't keep me here forever. You can't watch over me for the rest of your life" Alice cried

"Oh,Alice. Do you really think so little of me?" Moriarty laughed as he slowly loosened his grip on her wrist "Go ahead. Run off again. And see what happens" Moriarty nodded at her to try it and she did

Alice whipped her hand back and edged away from him before sprinting full speed at the front door.She yanked the door open and ran right into a metal fence. She looked up and realised what he'd done. He'd fenced off the whole damn house. And behind it... guards. This whole place was locked down

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU CAN'T! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE YOU CANT!" Alice screamed as she thrashed her bare fists against the fence

""Oh yes I can" Moriarty smirked "Goodnight,Alice. Sleep tight"He straightened his suit and made his way down the hallway and back up the stairs

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