Chapter 14

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Alice carefully pulled apart the lamp,using her hair pin,and pulled out the wires,wrapping them around her pin and creating a specific and intricate Skelton key

She hopefully twisted the key into the door and pressed her head against it,listening for a click...


Alice grinned and slowly pushed opened the door,careful to not let it squeak. She peered her head around the corners of the walls and spotted two guards with their backs to her at the end of the corridor

This is going to be a breeze Alice though to herself as she swiftly approached the guards

Alice ran to the ticket office in the airport and furiously rang the bell

"I need a flight to Paris. When is the next one available?" She panted

"Miss,you're going to have to join the que. there are others waiting" Said the lady behind the desk,calmly

"I DON'T HAVE TIME!" Alice thumped her fist onto the desk and the lady jumped back. Alice needed to get to Paris. And fast. For all she knew Sherlock could be in danger right now,he was just too arrogant to admit that he needed Alice's help

"Miss I'm going to have to call security if you don't leave" The lady picked up the phone and eyed Alice

"No! No no no don't do that. I'm leaving" Alice put her hands up in defense and backed away. Security would slow her down ever more "See! Bitch..." She whispered as she turner around and pulled out her phone,her head down

"Language!" A man chuckled as Alice bumped into him head first

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Alice frantically apologised and she raised her head

"Hi there Alice" The man smiled manically

Alice gasped and turned on her heel to run away,because she knew she couldn't fight this man

"Not so fast!" The man tutted as he grabbed Alice's wrist and pressed a drugs napkin to her mouth

Alice's eyes dropped back to her head and every limb in her body collapsed,but not before she chocked the words...


Sherlock cautiously picked the lock of the deserted house in Paris,and he peeked his head around the door. He reached for the gun in his pocket as he entered the house,scanning around

For a second,Sherlock thought he'd heard a creak in the floorboards coming from the upstairs,but he ignored it. Who else would come to an old deserted house in Paris except for the Moriarty,the man he was looking for?

Sherlock paced inside the living room,picking up old family photos from the people who used to live in the house before it got burnt

Again. The creak. Sherlock whipped his head around and walked towards the stairs,his fingers curling around the gun in his pocket. He made his way up the stairs slowly,pushing open each door on the landing until he came to the last one which was locked...from the inside

Sherlock braced himself then swiftly kicked down the wooden door,waving away the dust from his face and coughing. When he opened his eyes, Sherlock almost fell back

"ALICE!" Sherlock screamed as he began running across to Alice who was strapped to a pillar in the middle of the room,only to come to an abrupt stop as a dark figure appeared by Alice's side and he held a gun to her head

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