Chapter 3

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"Honestly,I don't know why you bother with that. Its not like anyone reads it!" Sherlock muttered,annoyed at the tapping sound John laptop key board was making

"I'll have you know that over one thousand people have read it!" John replied smugly

"Read what?" Alice asked,as she came out of her bedroom and entered the living room of 221b Baker Street

"John's blog" Sherlock muttered

Intrigued,Alice leaned over John's shoulder,her wavy blondy brown locks tumbling down her shoulder and onto Johns

"The Study In Pink. Hm. Clever" Alice's eyes skimmed over the page and a smile formed on her face "You got all of that from realising she was wearing pink! I wear pink and I don't work in the media"

"I doubt you wear that alarming shade,and it was a matter of probability" Sherlock pushed himself up from his seat and started slowly circling Alice  "For example" He started,and John sighed

"Don't, Sherlock. Please" John pleaded,not wanting to scare away the new guest

"Shut up,John. For example" Sherlock continued "The slight bags under your eyes that weren't there yesterday suggests that you didn't get much sleep,and your nails explain why. You were nervous. Your normally manicured nails are slightly bitten suggesting tension and worry on your mind.Its normal,most people do it subconsciously but something's bothering you.The question is what?"Sherlock raised his eyebrow suspiciously before continuing with his deductions "Not your boyfriend,I imagine. I mean judging from last night you two were preettty comfortable.It also couldn't be your job or money because based on your choice of clothing,which are all designer and new,it looks like your pretty well So what,what is it? What's got Miss Alice Quinton in such.a.mess." Sherlock took a breath and returned to his seat,his hands placed on his chin in a steepling position.

"Nothing" Alice smiled sweetly "You know it was probably the fact that I live with a complete and utter maniac who has nothing better to do then "deduce" people

I mean,your such a genius,figure it out Sherlock Holmes" Alice tilted her head to the side,crossing her arms stubbornly

"Hm.Don't worry. I will" States Sherlock simply,before closing his eyes peacefully

"Alice I'm sorry" John apologised on behalf of his friends,which he seemed to do a lot "Its just how he is"

"Forget about it" Alice smiled and grabbed her coat of the holder"Come on John,lets go out for lunch shall we?"

Sherlocks eyes snapped open at this comment and Alice realised

"Coming,Sherlock?" Alice asked


"Oh come on,you need to get out of the flat sometime" John pleaded

"Fine" Huffed Sherlock,and he tied his blue scarf around his neck before sliding on his coat and ruffling his hair back in place.Secretly,Sherlock wanted to go, mainly because he wanted to keep an eye on John

"Let's go!" Squealed Alice,and the boys and her made their way out of the flat

A/N: Hi guys. This was a quick chapter sorry. I wanted to write a quick deduction scene to see how it would go and I quite enjoyed it.Shall I do more? I dont want to write out the scrips of Sherlock and incorporate Alice into it because

1) That's been done quite a lot


2)I have a really good idea of where this ff is going and that would kinds ruin the story line

However,if you guys have any good cases or deductions for me to wrote out,inbox me and we'll talk it out. I live giu guys so much and thank you for over 3K view s on Life's Short

Vote, Comment and all that jazz ~Ashley

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