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Pretty in your eyes
Ugly in mine.

The right curves in the right places you say,
Yet my mirror doesn't seem to agree today.

One day I wish to see
What I could be
If I loved myself the way you love me.


This is a topic I've been wanting to address for a very long time. Body image is something that almost everyone struggles with (including myself) and it can be quite disheartening. You end up being your own worst critic. You do not require the approval of the world because frankly you will never get it. You cannot appease everyone so how about we start working on being happy with ourselves instead of trying to fit into the one million variations of the ideal body? You are your own beautiful ❤️

I know I haven't updated in very very long and this is a comparatively short poem but I have an explanation! My exams just got over and I finally have a little time to breathe so I shall be updating more regularly (hopefully).

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