Part 8

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Jungkook came to your house quite often with Tae and Jisoo and he became like a part of your family. You didn't like it when he got closer to you that way, because you liked him. You felt he was making things harder for you. Jungkook was not good at showing his things by words so he cared for you by action and it made you worry a lot.

It was summer holiday so they kept on talking about a trip to the beach. Everyone was excited and so were you but you didn't show it. The day came and 4 of you went to the beach for your summer. You reached the hotel and reality hit you so bad that Jisoo and Taehyung insisted on staying in one room while you had two.

"Y/n, do you seriously want to separate us?" - Tae said, gave Jisoo a hug.

"It's not by that way but..." - you said and looked to Jungkook's direction.

"I don't know just stay with Jungkook. He knows how to protect you better than me then" - Jisoo turned back to her room and winked to Jungkook.

Jungkook helped you bring your luggage inside and there was one big bed for two. You sighed and looked at him realized he was staring at you.

"I'm changing so we're go to the beach" - you opened my luggage to avoid his eyes and to take your bikini out.

As you finished changing, you put on a thin kimono outside so the bikini didn't look too revealing. When you came out of the bathroom, Jungkook just looked at you without any words so you had to make him move.

"Y-Your turn to change" - you told him and went out on the balcony to wait.

When you two finished changing and went to wait for Tae and Jisoo, you realized they had gone so Jungkook told you to go with him. You just walked on the sand next to him without any words as you didn't know what to say.

"Wanna have ice-cream?" - Jungkook asked and you nodded so he told you to wait and went for buying ice-cream. You looked at his direction and the feeling of him walking away made you feel a little insecure by the way.

You were standing there waiting for Jungkook when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned back as you thought it was him.

"Why it too-" - then you stopped "sorry but who are you?" - you started feeling nervous and force the man to let off his hand from your shoulder but he held your wrist and pulled you.

You were freaking out, even didn't scream out but there was a force made you to do so.

"J-Jungkook!" - you pulled yourself back and called his name even when you didn't see him and your surrounding started becoming dark. Then you felt another hand on your wrist and the stranger stopped dragging you.

"Sorry" - that stranger looked back and loosened your wrist "are you mistaking my girlfriend with anyone?" - his words were polite but his voice was strong so the man let go off you.

You hide yourself in Jungkook's arms immediately, without no hesitation and Jungkook held your shoulders tight. The stranger saw him and pretended saying that you looked like his wife then turned back and went away. You felt dizzy because of that situation so you didn't move after he left.

"Y/n. I'm sorry making you wait for so long" - Jungkook worried asked you when looked at you from head to toes checking that you were alright "are you okay" - he asked many questions to check if you were still normal.

"It's fine" - you replied him when you felt calmer, still stayed in his arms.

He left you first as he thought you would be uncomfortable in skin ship like that and gave you the ice-cream that he had just bought. You spent nice time walking around the beach with each other without saying many things. You just asked about his recent job and something about his normal life and so did him. His eyes looked at you made you feel safe and secured. It felt like if he was here, no one could do any harm to you.

You two came back to the hotel after the sunset and saw Tae and Jisoo were waiting for you.

"Yahh why did it take you two so long?" - Taehyung naughtily teased but you didn't show him any response.

"Let's have dinner together then. I am hungry now" - Jisoo talked and grabbed your dragged you with her when Taehyung and Jungkook walked after you two.

After the meal and a long walk along the beach, you reached your hotel and had a rest. Everyone was tired so Tae and Jisoo came back to their room while you and Jungkook entered yours.

"I can sleep on the floor if you feel uncomfortable" - Jungkook told you and waited for you answer.

"This bed is big so you don't need. I'm okay with it" - you replied and went under the blanket got ready to sleep when Jungkook turned the light off.

After few minutes, you heard him breath soundly and he was lying straight. He might be very tired looking after you today. You couldn't stop yourself from reaching your finger for his nose as you touched it.

"I'm sorry... I feel myself dirty so... maybe I just can't come to you" - you mumbled to yourself when your fingers were trailing down his nose from distance, then you took a deep sigh and turned yourself back and your back was facing him.

Suddenly, you felt the movements behind and the embrace from your back, around your waist. 

"But I'm ready to come to you, Y/n" - he breathed on your nape made you startled a little as his lips were touching your skin. 

"Jungkook..." - you pushed his arms out and sat up while looking at him.

"I heard you so nothing to hide, Y/n" - he also sat up and faced you.

"No. It's not what I mean Jungkook" - you tried to refuse.

"So what do you mean?" - Jungkook stopped to search for your facial expression but it was dark in the room so he gave up "listen Y/n... that's not you're dirty" - he tried to calm you as he just knew what were you thinking about.

You tried to pulled your wrist out but you just couldn't and he was stronger. 

"Jungkook, I-" - you were about to say something but he never let you did.

"Y/n" - he stopped you.

"It's not what I-"

"Y/n" - he just kept calling your name without saying anything until you didn't say anything "don't think that way. You're not, okay?" - then he slowly pulled you into his arms, you didn't tried to get rid of it. You felt comfortable instead but somehow, you started feeling dizzy.

"Jungkook... I don't think I feel fine" - you pushed his chest to get out of his embrace. You held your head as you tried to be yourself right now, you didn't want anything to take control at that moment.


It is somehow illogical but still, hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading~

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