Chapter 6

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Ally paced back and fourth, chewing on a strand of her hair. Thoughts racing in her head. 'What if Austin's dead? What if we make it too him and we're to late? This is all my fault. Austin must hate me now.'

Trish and Dez watched the brunette pace from behind the counter. Trish looked up and Dez and frowned. Dez returned the emotion. They hated seeing Ally like this.

Dallas stood on the other side of the counter, his fingers flying on his phones keyboard. His eyes were glued to the screen.

As Ally continued to pace, Trish walked in front of Ally and grabbed her friend by the shoulders. "Ally, stop. You're going to make me sick."

Ally sighed and broke from her friends grip. "I'm sorry, but I'm just really worried about Austin."

"I know. We all are." Trish said, looking around the room from Dez, to Dallas, then back to Ally. "But, you've gotta take it easy."

"I don't know if I can Trish." Ally replied. "Austin's out there, and he's kiddnapped, and I'm here, not doing anything. I just.. don't think I can."

Trish looked over at Dez and then back at Ally. "Ally, why don't you get some rest. Dallas, Dez and I will go out looking for Austin."

Ally sighed again and walked towards the stairs, and began to climb them. "Okay."

Trish smiled and grabbed Dez and Dallas's hands and led them out the door. Ally quickly jumped off the stairs and locked both the front door and the back door. Just in case. Then she ran up the stairs into the music room and fell onto the piano. Her tears falling from her face.

Ally began to play a little tune, her tears still falling.

"How can you see into my eyes, like open doors." "Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb."

"Without a soul, my spirit sleeping in somewhere cold."

"Until you find it there, and lead it back home."

We hear Austin's voice in Ally's melody.

("Wake me up.")

"Wake me up inside."

("I can't wake up.") "Wake me up inside."

("Save me!")

"Call my name and save me from the dark."

("Wake me up.") "Bid my blood to rise."

("I can't wake up.") "Before I come undone."

("Save me!") "Save me from the nothing I've become."

Ally records the tune, and stands up from the piano bench, grabbing the mic and entering her mind montage.

We see Austin and Ally dancing at Trish's quinceanera.


Austin giving Ally a big bear hug. Ally returning it, with a smile on her face.


We return to reality to hear Ally sing more.

"Now that I know what I'm without."

"You can't just leave me."

"Breathe into me and make me real." "Bring me to life."

("Wake me up.") "Wake me up inside."

("I can't wake up") "Wake me up inside."

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