Chapter 7

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"Austin!" The Ally, Tirsh and Dez scream in unison. Dallas smirks at the group running towards Austin.

"Dallas, come help us get Austin out of here." Ally exclaims.

"Uh.. no." Dallas replied.

"What?" Ally asked. "Stop playing and help us."

Dallas smirked at Ally, and just like that two thugs came out and grabbed Tirsh and Dez from behind. Trish tried to break free, and gave up. When Dez was captured, his legs started to do a little dance, trying to break free. Sadly, it didn't work.

"Dallas, what are you doing?" Ally asked in confusion. "What's going on?"

"Oh, didn't Austin tell you?" Dallas said, taking a few steps closer.

"What are you talking about?" Ally asked again.

"Ally, Dallas is not what he seems to be. I think he's gonna hurt us." Dallas mimicked Austin.

"Austin doesn't sound like that." Ally said, her fingers clentching in a fist.

Dallas laughed. "Ally, Ally, Ally. You were so niave, so in love to see that all I wanted to do was kill Austin."

Ally gasped. "K-K-Kill Austin? What's Austin ever done to you?"

"He's a Internet sensation, all the girls hang on his every word, he's the attention of millions of people. I work at a cell phone accessory cart, my parents don't even talk to me, let alone pay attention to me, and I've never had girls around me!" Dallas exclaimed.

"So, your jealous?" Ally asked, folding her arms,

Dallas ran up to Ally in anger and lightly shoved her. "Dallas Maddock does NOT get jealous." (I thought Dallas needed a name.)

Ally gasped again, but only because of the rough contact that had happened. Austin started muffling loudly, as a sign to say 'Get your hands off of her!'

Dallas smirked and pulled the cloth out of Austin's mouth. Ally quickly ran over to Austin, her heart pounding.

"Ally, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Austin was the first to ask.

"Austin, Dallas kiddnapped you, tortured you, and you're asking me if I'M alright?" Ally softly giggled.

"I was worried sick about you."

Austin smiled, and Ally returned the emotion. Dallas put a finger up to his mouth and made a pretend gagging noise. Then, he walked over to Austin and Ally, shoved Ally out of the way and grabbed the back of Austin's chair, dragging him out of the room.

Ally quickly stood and grabbed the chairs legs, holding on as tight as she could. She wasn't going to lose Austin a second time! Dallas grunted as he pulled the chair from behind.

Just then, a snapped was heard, and Ally and Dallas were flung backwards in different directions. Dallas flew back into the hallway, hitting the wall, but then quickly getting back on his feet. Ally, however, was not so lucky. When she was flung backwards, she hit a brick wall behind her. She wasn't knocked unconscious, but..

"Ally!" Austin screamed when he managed to break free from the chair. He slowly, and gently pulled her into his lap, when he felt a warm gooey substance on his fingers. He pulled his fingers away from her head and saw blood dripping from his fingers. "Oh crap."

Trish and Dez managed to break free and knock the thugs unconscious. "Never underestimate the powers of a black-belt!" Trish exclaimed. Dez tapped on Trish's shoulder and directed her vision to Austin and Ally. "Ally!"

Trish and Dez ran over to Austin and Ally. Trish next to Austin and Dez at Ally's feet. Austin looked over at Dallas who was smirking. "You!"

"Oh! Austin's mad.. I hope he doesn't sing one of his hit songs that actually.. AUGH!" Before Dallas could finished, Austin grabbed the brunette by his throat and held him against the wall.

"I told you once, now I'm gonna say it again, you hurt Ally, I kill you!" Austin exclaimed. Dallas had fear in his eyes.

"You..ugh..don't...ugh..have" Dallas replied.

"Try me." Austin said, his voice getting deeper with anger.

Dallas smirked at Austin then looked over at Ally, who was being treated and told that everything was gonna be okay."You're.. loosing her... Moon. The impact on her head.. and skull was... hard. Hard enough.. to-to.. kill her."

"You just.. shut up!" Austin yelled. His grip on Dallas tightened, Dallas was gasping for air hard now.

"Austin!" Trish exclaimed. "Ally's pulse is getting weaker by the second. She needs to go to the emergency room, NOW!"

"You guys go! I'll take care of Dallas." Austin replied.


"No buts, now go!" Austin screamed.

"Dez, grab Ally." Trish commanded. Dez followed suit and him and Trish ran out of the light house.

"Now that we're alone, I can twist your little neck!" Austin proclaimed.

Dallas's eyes got huge as he struggled in Austin's grip. Which got tighter and tighter, before the police came in and grabbed Dallas.

"Thanks Uncle Tye." Austin said as he massaged his hand that held Dallas.

"No problem Austin. Now, you better hurry. I hear your songwriter is having problems." Officer Sanchez said as he escorted Dallas out.

Austin ran down the stairs and out the door, and hurried over to the Miami Hospital.

~ AFLW ~

When he got there, he quickly rushed over to the desk. "Ally Dawson?"

"Turn right, go down the hall, and it should be the fifth door to your left." The nurse replied.

"Thanks." Austin said, and dashed down the hall, passing rooms in the process. "Fifth door, fifth door, fifth door." He reminded himself.

When he passed a door, he heard his name being called, so he ran back to the door where he saw Trish and Dez sitting in the chairs at the end of Ally's medical bed. Austin entered the room and kept his eyes on Ally. "How is she?"

"Not good." Trish replied. "The doctor says she might not make it. The blow to her head really did some damage."

Austin took a chair and placed it right next to Ally's bed, and grabbed her hand. "Come on Ally. Stay with us."

Dez looked over at Trish, who returned the same scared, sad face. "Austin.."

Austin looked over at Dez and held back tears that were threatening to spill. "Yeah?"

"It's gonna be okay." Dez smiled at his friend. Austin turned back to Ally and let one small tear escape from his eye.

The monitor was beeping at normal rate when suddenly, the beeping noise got faster and faster. Ally's heart rate was dropping, fast. Austin was in a panic. He looked over at Trish and Dez. "DOCTOR!" They screamed in unison.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Austin and Ally. All rights belong to Disney Channel.

This Has Been a DramaMama creation, Thanks for Reading! ^^

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