9 | Chapter ~

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I held her in my arms as she kept trying to close her eyes. "Damnit, Rose, don't close your eyes on me," I sighed as she did not speak, "This is all of my fault." My sides were sore as hell from her puncture wounds, but I didn't care about the pain of me right now.

I had too much of a blood lust. And I haven't eaten in days. Rose was now my new blood bank and her blood was so sweet and phenomenal. I put Rose in the passenger seat and quickly closed the door. I touched my sides and looked down at my hands. I wasn't surprised to see blood when I did. "Shit," I exhaled to myself then ran to the driver's side and opened the door.

As I was about to sit inside a big sturdy hand grabbed my shoulder tightly and I was taken back out of the vehicle. Rose looked in shock. "What the hell are you doing with my sister?!" a voice growled deeply in protectiveness. A whiteish-blonde hair guy with piercings and gauges shoved me harder to the ground. It had to of been the force of a Werewolf. I looked up and saw copper eyes glaring at me in my direction as his teeth started to bare out of his mouth. His eyes saying it all. "I said what the hell are you doing with my sister?!" he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt now and punched me across the face.

I barely got a chance to speak as he shoved me harder into the ground. I kicked him in the groin as he was hovering over top of me. He stopped for a moment trying to regain himself as he breathed in shock. I punched him across the face as it was my turn to roll him onto the ground and smacked him square in the nose. His eyes grew fierce and his claws shot out of his fingertips. He groaned in frustration and gripped my throat with his claws causing me to search for my own breath.

He put his hand on the back of my neck and started squeezing really hard. I just let him because I felt like uttermost shit for what Rose is going through right now. I got carried away with her. I deserved to die right here, right now.

"Thayer..!" Rose faintly spoke as she started to drift off into lala land in the passenger seat from the loss of blood and endorphin's that rushed inside of her bloodstream. "Stop!" she screamed as she got herself out of the vehicle. He didn't listen to her and dug his nails deep within my neck making me bleed more rapidly. I was now gasping for air silently.

Rose was strong willed and I could tell that she was nervous for my life. She ran over to us even though she was dizzy from me sucking her like a mosquito that just couldn't get off of it's host and shoved a syringe into her so called 'brother's' neck. Where did she get that? Does she just magically bring a syringe in her vehicle wherever she goes?!

Thayer slowly let go of my neck and dropped fully back onto the ground, his eyes fluttering shut as his canine's were slowly turning back to normal and his claws slowly becoming fingers again.

"Are you okay?!" Rose quickly bent down towards me and saw the back of my neck. I couldn't find a word to say. I was just sitting there on the ground in pain, but I had to act strong. Especially in front of Rose.

I got up. "I-- I should go home. You shouldn't of picked me up . . . this is all my fault. If I wouldn't of left school or If I wouldn't of fed off of you..."

"No, no, no, stop, Adrian," she breathed. "It's going to be okay. Let me heal you faster," she pleaded. You could hear wolves in the trees. She bit into her wrist and wanted me to drink her blood.

Oh no. Not this again. What if I won't be able to stop drinking and I drink her dry?

I looked up at her and saw the acceptance in her eyes. I brought my lips to her wrist and began drinking just a little amount of her blood. That sweet, sweet taste once again entering my mouth onto my tongue. My eyes flickered black and silver as I devoured into her.

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