lobster rolls

298 18 9

Jinho: what do you guys feel like eating?

Hui: lobster rolls lightly brushed with a creamy butter sauce, baked delicately at 325° until golden brown, garnished with a sprig of parsley leaf

Shinwon: well... that was very specific

Hui: yes. yes it was.

Hongseok: 🤤

Jinho: 😕 now im hungry

E'Dawn: but i dont like lobster

Shinwon: now u ruined it

Hongseok: who doesnt like lobster!?!!1!1!11??

E'Dawn: this boi ←

Hui: well, if we cant agree

Hui: then i guess no one's getting any lobster

Hongseok: 😨

Hongseok: 🤬🤬🤬

E'Dawn: id rather have caviar n champagne

E'Dawn: that is... if hyung's buying

Hui: im buying

Hui: l o b s t e r r o l l s

E'Dawn: every1 who wants huis lame lobster rollz pls leave

<Hui has left the chat>

<Jinho has left the chat>

<Hongseok has flown from the chat by the seat of his pants>

E'Dawn: Shinwon, u still here?

Shinwon: yes

Shinwon: caviar n champagne is more mah style

Shinwon: im a gucci boi~

E'Dawn: well, ur gonna be disappointed

Shinwon: :{

Shinwon: y do u say dis

E'Dawn: i dont have money for caviar...

Shinwon: then i guess we'll just drink-

E'Dawn: or champagne... yeah.

Shinwon: -.- i feel cheated

Shinwon: ill give u five seconds to convince me not to leave the chat

E'Dawn: lobster's out of season. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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