
284 17 10

/WARNING: dark chat ahead/

Yuto: shinwon, have u seen wooseok?

Yuto: im starting to worry

Yuto: he hasnt been around all day

Yuto: ur the only person i have left 2 turn 2

Shinwon: is somethng wrong?

Shinwon: i havnt seen him either...

Yuto: well i guess i'll just go back to spamming him w/ texts

Yuto: wooseokkkkkkkkkkkkk

Yuto: where r uuuuuuuuuuuu

Yuto: y arent u answeringggggggg

Yuto: wut hav i dun 2 deserve thissssss

Wooseok: Yuto... go away.

Yuto: Wooseok, what's wrong? Y are you acting like this?

Wooseok: i dont feel very well

Wooseok: i just don't want u to get hurt, ok?

Wooseok: pls go.

Yuto: im not leaving. tell me where u are. i'll come find u.

<Shinwon has been invited to the chat>

Shinwon: wooseok, buddy~

Shinwon: what's going on?

Shinwon: you can talk 2 me cant u?

Wooseok: i hav somethng to tell u guys

Wooseok: but ur not going to believe this

Yuto: yes? take your time.

Shinwon: whatever it is, we're here 4 u.

Wooseok: im a vampire. I dont kno how it happened, but i was bitten, n now im like this and i hate it and i just want to die ok

Wooseok: so leave me alone

Wooseok: just... let me die in peace

Wooseok: so i dont hurt any1

Wooseok: ...i dont want to hurt any1 😢

Shinwon: usually i would make a joke and try to lighten the mood

Shinwon: but this doesnt seem like the time or the place for that

Shinwon: wooseok is serious... and somehow...

Shinwon: i believe him.

Yuto: wooseok dont do this

Yuto: we can help u

Yuto: tell us where u are so we can help you please

Wooseok: im going to delete u guys as contacts now

Wooseok: dnt try to find me

Wooseok: becuz no matter how hard u look u never will

Wooseok: im signing off now.




Wooseok: tell... tell the others i love them

Wooseok: its been nice. 😞

<Wooseok has signed out>

Yuto: he's gone...

Shinwon: oh my god

Shinwon: what just happened???

Yuto: we've lost him. 

PENTAGON | Chattin' It Up!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora